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i have a date for panel!!!

dizzydebs May 16, 2013 22:56
Eek! Had my latest SW meeting today, and we''re heading fit 6th August... Just under 3 months away :-) SW is dye to do her health and safety of the house in two Weeks... Do I need cupboard locks and stair gates before then, or just to identify where I''d put them? (I''m hoping to be approved for toddler age, so would need them!)Exited now :-) Dizzy x
Edited 17/02/2021
carali May 17, 2013 08:32
I think some of the home safety depends on age of child you are being approved for, but cupboard locks, plug socket covers, lockable bathroom cupboard etc are necessary anyway, as little fingers can be problematic at any age. My agency gave me a checklist of things they were looking at,which included things like fire extinguisher for kitchen, smoke alarms and so on, and I just followed that. Not health and safety but if you are in preparation mode, I got myself a small lockable filing cabinet recently too, as I have had so much correspondence and paperwork, and I regret not having more lockable cupboards as my DD is a bit of a magpie! Good luck
Edited 17/02/2021
holiday29 May 17, 2013 10:43
I think it depends on the Sw, ours was very relaxed, she trusted us to get stair gates etc, but we didn't buy them until we where matched. We haven't got a fire extinguisher in kitchen (never really thought of that ) my LO is a climber and her latest is getting on to the dininrg room table (we are open plan) every time I turn my back. Not sure how to deal with that at The moment !!
Edited 17/02/2021
inthishouse May 17, 2013 10:44
Check things like you plants aren't poisonous. Make surew wires and leads are safe can't be pulled. Plug sockets safe not overloaded. Have a first aid kit in your house and jn your car. Say you are prepared to put up stair gates and oven guards when the time comes. Have safety film on any glass panels you have in doors.,table tops. Keep carrier bags behind a door with a safety catch. Put safety catchs on things now so you get in the habit of using them. Put alcoholic drinks and glass bottles up out of reach. Forget about using your wine rack. Put cleaning stuff out of reach or behind a door with a safety catch. Put a padlock on the shed. Any cords on your blinds need to be held down with a catch you can get from amazon of the fire department here give them out.Hope that's a helpful start for you. Good luck. They don't want to try to catch you out. Anything you've not done say no problem can do that in the week.In this house
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk May 17, 2013 11:08
You may as well start doing the safety things as it will give you something to do and they can't use it as an excuse to delay anything. Especially things like fitting fiddly safety catches on cupboards, as others have said, if you do it now at least you can get used to using them before LO arrives.
Edited 17/02/2021
piglethh May 17, 2013 20:00
My sw was very relaxed and I just promised to get a little fire extinguisher and some cupboard catches. Some of the people in my prep group though ended up with new boiler, wiring and windows! I think it is a bit of pot luck but hopefully common sense will prevail with them.
Edited 17/02/2021
Rapunzel May 17, 2013 20:45
Gosh Dizzydebs you're racing ahead. Good luck. I'm just about to finish prep (next week) and then they said we'll be allocated a sw in about 2 weeks.Glad going so well so far. Rapunzel x
Edited 17/02/2021
dizzydebs May 17, 2013 23:23
It's all a but mad the speed this is going so far! As for safety bits, I'm happy to do then now, but had other things on my list as well... Will just swap list over! Lol
Edited 17/02/2021


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