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end of a era

dottie18 September 3, 2013 12:47
Hilooking really for someone to tell me to pull myself together really !!!Over the last 12 years we have adopted 3 children individually, all are amazing and all have differing additional needs, adopting has certainly been the best thing I''ve ever done, i''m a completely different person to the one pre children- for the better I think , anyway it seems our last adoption draws a natural conclusion to our journey - plus we''ve run out of bedrooms !! but I almost feel bereft, I know I need to change my focus and these feelings will probably settle once I get used to not being in the middle of a assessment !We have been so lucky with our 3 , all were a perfect match so I tell myself to stop being greedy, the feeling is reminiscent of being told I would never get pregnant- I found alternatives then , need to find something nowthat feels better for getting it out - thanks for listening / reading my ramblings xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Bop September 3, 2013 12:54
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story...I'm sure you'll find the right thing to fill the space and in the meantime you can watch your darlings grow into special adults.BopPS I filled my space with a dog!
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti September 3, 2013 13:38
I understand your feelings totally dottieOur experience is different but I recognise the 'syndrome' Pets or studying or volunteering or all three might help. Enjoy the new season of your life
Edited 17/02/2021


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