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Does he know something we don''t?

Donatella August 30, 2009 15:21
We have a very industrious squirrel in the garden at the moment. For the past few weeks he''s been gathering nuts and burying them all over the garden. I keep spotting him digging holes in the back and front garden, putting the nut in, covering it up and then running off to find the next one.I thought we were still in summer? Maybe he knows something about an impending winter? Maybe we''re skipping autumn altogether.
Edited 17/02/2021
Shiraz August 30, 2009 16:07
Having just spent seven long days in devon when basically i would have been drier standing under a power shower for eight hours a day, I'd say Mr squirrel is onto something !
Edited 17/02/2021
bizzylizzy August 30, 2009 17:02
Yep. the blackberries behind our house are just about over, and the elderberries are going purple. DH accidentally filled our garden with pumpkins and we have 3 that are quite big already. The grapes are almost ready too:-)bizzy
Edited 17/02/2021
purplesnookum September 3, 2009 12:15
His he burying them under waterproof covering as it seems like it will never stop raining. Starting to feel like autumn a little now, sadly!
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella September 3, 2009 12:33
We have sun today! It absolutely piddled down all day yesterday but today, now the boys have gone back to school, it's sunny!!
Edited 17/02/2021
purplesnookum September 4, 2009 14:12
There is, I believe, a rule about this. Schools time the holidays like this on purpose to challenge the poor adults who have to look after them during the monsoon season, sorry, meant to say summer holidays. It will be lovely for about two days before half term as well.
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 4, 2009 14:16
The cheeky young chappy. Its called storing up for the winter months I think?. Squirrels are fascinating creatures to watch, especially the upside down walking, clinging thingy??. I might become a squirrel and gather my stuff, and withdraw from society, anyone coming with me???.Mr Squirrel has the right idea if you ask me??.Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021


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