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Teeth pulling

Monkey Magic September 1, 2013 22:19
We''ve just returned from a wonderful week''s holiday in Cornwall and LO managed amazingly well.However, she managed to pull out yet another tooth in an anxious moment when DH and I went out for the evening.It was our 1st evening out together since placement (2 years ago), a family member babysat (who she knows extremely well) and we''d talked about us going.She''s now missing 4 teeth and she''s only 5. The 1st one came out of it''s own accord but she''s pulled the others out before they were ready (complete with partial roots).I tried asking the dentist to explain to her but he wasn''t very understanding of my concerns and I''ve tried "wondering" but really haven''t got very far.A question for the psychologist I think. Thanks for reading just needed to vent with others that understand. So sad for her.MMx
Edited 17/02/2021
flowerpower September 1, 2013 22:34
Hi MMSorry no words of wisdoms just wonted to say take care its so hard seeing our LOs doing things we don't understand xxxx
Edited 17/02/2021
Teletubbies September 1, 2013 23:12
That takes me back - I'd forgotten our lovely AD used to pull teeth - sometimes she used it as a savings account & pulled one out when in need of cash which the tooth fairy brings. I explained that actually the tooth fairy only brings money for teeth which fall out on their own after being wobbly for ages or when the dentist has to take one out because he's an expert & works closely with the tooth fairy.It must HURT when they do it & I had wondered if not for cash whether it was a self-harm type activity as she also picks all scabs etc.Hope it stops & that the Psychologist has some helpful strategies
Edited 17/02/2021
lilyofthevalley September 2, 2013 06:42
My AS would do this at school when he was bored. I was appalled. I spoke to child psychiatrists about it. They were not very helpful. I was struck by the fact that he appeared to have an unusual pain threshold. I eventually concluded that it fitted with his FAE. I always found it upsetting but he did grow out of it.Lily x
Edited 17/02/2021
Sivier September 2, 2013 09:09
Monkey Magic, that does sound hard to see your LO do to herself. Hope you can get some professional input to help her with that. Big hugs to you.
Edited 17/02/2021


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