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epilepsy helmet

evieg1983 September 21, 2009 21:24
My daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy 3 months ago, she has been put on sodium valporate and lamotrigen which seems to be helping some of the seizures but not the drop attacks. Went to the consultant today who has sent us to get her fitted with a skull protector helmet. she has really urt herself a few times so i guess this is what she needs. I am so worried that this will cause her to be bullied at school, she has other special needs including speech and language problems, mobility issues and is tiny for her age. I know it is more important that she is safe than what she looks like but i do feel so worried that it will bring even more attention to her in public (she already gets stares due to her big buggy and loud noises). I am quite thick skinned and to be honest unless it is blatent and in her face my daughter is unaware of stares and whispers, my younger daughter does get quite upset by it and also worried she''ll get the brunt of it at school. Why oh why does it just never end!!!!!! Sorry rant over, anyone know what the helmet is likely to look like, can we customise with disney stickers etc?
Edited 17/02/2021
Jillycats September 21, 2009 21:36
I am a teacher in a special school and I have come across a whole range of helmets - some are a sort of foam (usually blue), others can be similar to a rugby scrum cap. Others still can look like horse riding helmets. It depends I guess on exactly what your daughter's needs are. I've certainly not come across any problems decorating the helmet with stickers etc. As long as it doesn't change the way it protects the head I can't see that customizing would be a problem.Hope that helps,Jillycats
Edited 17/02/2021
cuggley September 22, 2009 07:47
Hi I have sent you a PM
Edited 17/02/2021


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