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Is my home suitable?

Kerry86 October 25, 2021 05:47

So me and my partner are still in the early stages of looking at adoption.

Would our home be considered as suitable as we live in a pub? My partner manages pubs and I have a job in a completely different profession.

Anyone else in a similar situation?

October 25, 2021 16:48

Difficult one I think , being around alcohol can be very triggering for some children. I think it would depend on the layout of the living accommodation. Is it completely separate, eg separate entrance door, not accessible to staff or other random people, what is the noise level like etc

I think for some SWs it will be a no, others will be ok, you will need to ask a few agencies.

Good luck

chestnuttree October 25, 2021 17:17

Questions that would raise for me would be

  • is there a chance strangers could enter your home?
  • would your child potentially have access to alcohol (also think teenager) or can you lock it away safely?
  • noise level in the evening/ night
  • Depending on the age group, your child might be very scared of people who are tipsy or drunk. Swearing is also be triggering for some children. Could that be a problem?
  • what are your working hours and the hours of your partner?

I would get in touch with an agency and see what they say. It is about managing these things.

chestnuttree October 25, 2021 17:20

Sorry, I just saw that Serrakunda almost wrote the same post!

Edited 25/10/2021


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