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nursery hair care

galapagos November 7, 2012 16:38
sorry to put another hair care question but my lovely floreana (dual heritage) rushed into my arms at the end of nursery with paint, glitter and glue stuck hard and fast in her braids... She had been painting fireworks and not to put it too politely she looked like an exploding firework. what is the best way of getting her artisitic masterpiece out of her semi afro hair???? grrh i wish the teachers had an idea of how long it takes to braid her hair and i only did it yesterday!!!!
Edited 17/02/2021
mommycat November 7, 2012 22:02
I soak my lo's hair in conditioner and try to work it out usually works but I am no expert I am however the mad angry mum at nursery who makes it clear that my daughters hair is not to be played with!So many times I would pick her up and her hair would be a real mess after they had played hair dressers :0( Tell the nursery staff
Edited 17/02/2021
galapagos November 8, 2012 06:04
Thanks. I left conditioner on for a couple of hours. She is still sparkling but the paint has next challenge is the sandpit!
Edited 17/02/2021
jazz31 November 8, 2012 10:26
My daughter's nursery used to have special mop cap type hair coverings for messy play and sand, you could suggest that they get some at your daughter's nursery or a shower cap would probably work just as well
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk November 8, 2012 13:53
Getting sand out is easy, just put an old pop sock or tights over the end of your vaccum hose and hoover her hair.
Edited 17/02/2021


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