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Easier than expected

brown-eyed-girl May 9, 2013 20:51
We''ve been looking into our blue-eyed girl starting school a year late as she has a late August birthday and was born prematurely alongside the whole been through the care system thing. We really felt she wouldn''t cope with being away from us all day so soon after her 4th birthday, and another year would give her a better chance as she is actually quite bright but not emotionally ready.When we looked around schools earlier in the year we brought it up and they all were happy in principal but said the LEA had to agree to it. We made the original applications and got our letter about which school she was to go to but with no answer about could she be in the following year. We were starting to think we may have to fight for it. However, with the letter was a sheet talking about defered entry to school including the possibility of decling the place and starting the following year in Year1 (not ideal)Anyway to get to the point: Went and spoke to the headteacher of the school, she talked to the LEA and basically we decline the place this year and due to her status she should get the place we want next year and the HT is very willing for her to go into reception and continue with that year group from then onwards.
Edited 17/02/2021
dizzydebs May 30, 2013 21:56
That is fantastic news! And extremely rare to be able to go into the year below, well done xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Sivier May 30, 2013 22:37
That sounds right for your daughter. 4 years old is so young to be starting school, even with the most settled children - I went into a reception class recently to observe and could not believe what the children were being asked to learn about (willing to admit I am out of touch!). Good for you for getting this result.
Edited 17/02/2021
freddie2 June 2, 2013 19:55
Well done for getting that.We have done exactly the same thing as our ad too was prem and a summer baby. Our ad is in reception and is coping, but would have never coped a year ago. Like you we found a very supportive head who completely understood and agrees that this was the right decision for our ad. She can stay out of year throughout primary school, but we may have issues when she transfers to secondary school. But we will cross that bridge when we get there. Hopefully we will find another supportive head!It was the right decision for our glad we did it xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Flutterby June 3, 2013 20:15
Just another thought, there is no legal obligation for any child to be in school at all until their 5th birthday. My daughter was an August baby and really struggled. I decided to just take her to school for the odd morning or afternoon so she would get to know her year group and have some "social time". School did not like it to start with, but legally there was nothing they could do about it. Often enough, if you defer for a year, they just automatically put your child into year one. So make sure school and LEA agree with you in writing that your child can defer and then still go into reception. Otherwise she might have to cope with having missed out a year and being "the new one" when everyone else has already made friends. I did a little bit of structured play (learning) at home to help with anything they might have done in reception and this gave my daughter lots of one-to-one time with me too. Worked really well for us.
Edited 17/02/2021


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