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S. O. D.& 1 DS

aprilshowers July 22, 2013 08:36
Summer Of Discontent and Disruption.DS two weeks ago today just turned up on the doorstep, one carrier bag full of non summer stinking clothes, someone elses trainers two quid and half a pouch of baccie.I''ve come to visit mum, I''ll be staying a couple of days, I''ve missed you and dad and sisters, oh my I forgot how tidy clean our house is....oh my look at all the food in the cupboard.Upshot is that he and the gf had split up a couple of months back, no one told us, he has been on the sofa at her mums, she has moved back to her mums as she could not manage to run her flat, he has not been helped by the services so has had no money except what we had sent down and the odd days of cash in had work he got.He is talking in a way that tells us he is not going back, I contact our SW she sets in motion referals to local hostel and arranges connexions appt, in two weeks he will be 18, my sis gives him some work and pays him more than she ought too.....He cant stay here, we cant live with that stress...we never realised how stressful it was until he has he changed.....NO within days he is back to the same, staying out whenever, leading his little sister astray, taking from them, he owes/owed money to local drug dealer, he refuses to do anything for us unless we pay handsomely....I have stuck to my guns and do not give him money, I have bought him underwear, paid for his haircut etc but no actual cash.In all this he has let the now ex gf and his son down, she has reacted by sending me a text warning me that she will be blocking us from FB and will not take our calls and for the sake of her son will not allow DS to just walk in and out of his life......I checked FB and we are all blocked out, she has not responded to my texts.....sad sad day. And what does DS say about it....well when my son is 18 and he comes to find me I will tell him that his mum caused all this.....god give me strength.
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree July 22, 2013 08:57
Good grief aprilshiwers He's being a complete example of S O D isn't he What a mess they leave in their wakeI was talking to a friend with a ltfc who's now a fatherSame age as partridgeChild in careGf pregnant againJust no thought whatsoever for how damaged the child may beIt's the cycle all overPerhaps there simply are no answersJust survival?
Edited 17/02/2021
Jellies July 22, 2013 09:01
So true - summer of discontent and disruption - Hugs my love.Jellies x
Edited 17/02/2021
Ma July 22, 2013 09:10
Oh my. Your life sounds unbelievable. I am so sorry about all these constant traumas. Cannot believe you are able to write with such insight and a little humour. Thinking of you. xx
Edited 17/02/2021
amh July 22, 2013 10:11
oh((( April)))they just never learn.good for you not giving him money.maybe you should ask your sister to give the money to you he earns so you can take expenses and then give him the remainder.
Edited 17/02/2021
aprilshowers August 1, 2013 07:22
update, he has been to unemployed youth training centre and is due back next week, he has an apt with hostel locally later this week, most nights he has not stayed here and is due to do some leaflet distribution today...that's if he gets up. He has not bothered to try and contact ex gf or son, is now moaning about not having any clothes...he left them all behind, we have tried to help him get them back but he just does not want to work with us.
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree August 1, 2013 07:41
Sound very tiringIt must be upsetting about the gf and your grandchildAre you still able see them ?Many cyber hugs xxx
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti August 1, 2013 07:53
(((((Aprilshowers)))))Love Larsti xx
Edited 17/02/2021
true August 1, 2013 10:08
hugsthe never ending story . . . .
Edited 17/02/2021
mayan49 August 1, 2013 10:47
Sending love and strengthHope you and your dh are able to do some nice things for yourselves despite these trying times.Mx
Edited 17/02/2021


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