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Atheist / Catholic couple - any advice?

Bigyoga January 26, 2015 08:40
Hi there. Myself and my wife are about half way through stage two in the adoption process and one thing that I know that will eventually crop up in our Social Worker visits is the fact that I'm an Atheist and my wife is Catholic. We've obviously discussed at length between each other about how we would educate any adopted child or children about religion but I'm interested to know if anyone has any advice about how to broach the subject of it with our Social Worker? We don't have a problem with it but I'm wondering if the Adoption panel and / or the Social workers would?
Edited 17/02/2021
chestnuttree January 26, 2015 12:55
On paper we are Catholic and Atheist. In real life we are both Atheist, but my husband had a catholic upbringing, has more patience with religion than me and has remained a member of the church. We were questioned about our beliefs and it was important that we were both open-minded about the paths our children would choose. Our children come from a Catholic background and currently one believes and the other doesn't.
Edited 17/02/2021
Flosskirk January 26, 2019 13:06
A lot depends on the individual social worker tbh. Also I would add that the one proviso that birth parents are allowed to make is around religion. Our girls' bps specified that they were not to be brought up as Catholics for some reason.
Edited 17/02/2021
createamum January 27, 2019 12:56
We are a Cristian and atheist family, I am the practising Cristian and hubby is an atheist. We had to explain many times over home study how we would work this with our child, we had agreed that our adopted child would be given access to both our beliefs. How it works in practise is like this, if DH is working AD has to come to church with me, if DH is home then AD gets to choose if she comes or not. We have agreed that when she gets to an age when she can stay at home on her own, then she can have a choice on what she does. We don’t say prayers at home, but we do listen to hymns when I am around as I sing in the choir so need to practise. Birth family wanted a catholic family to adopted, but were happy for a practising Christian to be considered. AD loves church as we have a highly relaxed church and most services either have a separate Sunday school or the kids get to do craft or Lego activities during the service.
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella January 27, 2019 13:13
You know this post is 4 years old? Resurrected by what looks like it might be spam?
Edited 17/02/2021


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