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how to appeal if college refuses?

Jingo August 28, 2013 14:27
Hello Do any of you know of schools or colleges having a policy on adopted or looked after young people? Or have any experience at appealing if they refuse place due to vulnerability?My daughter left school with no GCSEs despite being very bright, as she could not sit the exams due to anxiety. Got a place at a local college doing something she would love, but during their compulsory summer school, on the day others got their GCSE results, she took an overdose, so college now has cold feet about enrolling her at all!It may turn out to be ok but if not I am wondering how to appeal! Any advice or experience?Thank you
Edited 17/02/2021
suze August 28, 2013 14:41
Oh jingo! Does she have a connexions/careers advisor who can help? Or will student support intervene? Failing that who is responsible for RPA (raising participation age) in your LA? Could they get involved? Sadly with changes to funding I think a few colleges are doing things like this and 1 of my learners has been refused a college place due to ASD and his behaviour Suze x
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM August 28, 2013 18:01
I know this may not apply, but in case it doesHas she seen anyone in Camhs? Would you/she consider her anxiety so great that she has a disability relating to her mental health?I ask as you may have a better chance of appealing under the disability discrimination act than on grounds of vulnerability or looked after/adoption.
Edited 17/02/2021
Jingo August 29, 2013 08:30
Thank you both for you replies. Will find out what the college intends to do today.
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM August 29, 2013 08:49
Hope it goes well
Edited 17/02/2021
true August 29, 2013 10:28
contact the college and find out it they have a mental health support team - then ask for a meeting with that team and a connexions adviser - our area has a specialist connexions adviser for lac (but not for adopted)
Edited 17/02/2021


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