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How did you show you''d support a child of a different ethnicity?

thespouses January 22, 2010 14:49
We are adopting from overseas, from the country I am a citizen of. However, our SW seems to have assumed this means ethnicity will definitely be the same - and has just expressed surprise it might not mean this. I thought I had told her Anyway, although she wants us to find out the implications of limiting our match to only the same ethnicity (she''s happy we can support a child''s national origin, and I''d be a bit cross if she thought I couldn''t!), I''d be interested to find out how people approved to adopt a child of a different ethnicity showed that they''d be able to support them.Thanks!
Edited 17/02/2021
kangas January 22, 2010 16:34
We were not specifically approved to adopt a child of a different ethnicity but did indicate in our HS that we felt we would be able to do so, and were subsequently matched with half siblings one of whom has a father of a different ethnicity.We said things like:- I am from a different European country, DH is English, and we live in Scotland so have experience with dealing with differences in culture both within our family and between our family and our environment. We also have some experience of 'standing out', in my case because of my accent rather than my skin colour- we have friends from a wide range of nationalities and ethnicities- our local schools have some ethnic diversity; not as much as ideal but more than many places in Scotland- My (white) brother's wife is black Caribbean and their children mixed race- My father's partner is from IndonesiaThey all live in a very ethnically diverse city- We were happy to spend time with a child to learn about their background and include elements of this in our family life.
Edited 17/02/2021


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