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How many children are available for adoption?

Rainbow123 March 16, 2022 19:49

It seems that the children available on Link Maker are a little more than 260. How many children are available for adoption in England right now? We have only access to Link Maker.


March 19, 2022 09:40

Numbers obviously fluctuate but its likely to be somewhere around 2500 to 3000

Jayne March 20, 2022 16:04

Thousands by all accounts except perspective adopters only see a fraction of them on LM, the system is majorly letting them down in my opinion. Authorities can blame covid for delays as can the courts. The local news constantly reports that more foster careers are needed when there are thousands of adoptive parents sat waiting just to have a discussion opened.

March 21, 2022 14:17

You will only see children on Link Maker that their agencies ‘need’ you to see, to help find a match. There will be many more, and the ‘easier to place’ the children are, the more locally their profile will be made available. Plus the easier to place children often have their profiles hidden altogether while their family-finders choose adopters to approach. That’s why, at any one time, you will tend to see children that wait longest, and only a proportion of all the children.


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