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Motability vehicles

Fruitcake June 6, 2018 14:04
Does anyone lease a motability vehicle for a son/daughter with other children in the family? Do you know what the rules are concerning the use of the vehicle for people other than the disabled person? My eldest son has just been awarded PIP with the higher rate of the mobility component and I have received a leaflet about the motability scheme suggesting that he is eligible and could use the mobility component of PIP to pay for a vehicle. Two of us could be named drivers (my son cannot drive nor does he have the capacity to learn). I am attracted to the idea as insurance, tax, service, breakdown, etc. is all covered, leaving you to pay for fuel only. If I sold my car and got a motability car I would save a lot of money (some of which could be used to enhance my disabled son's quality of life, of-course). However, I also have two teenaged children whom I regularly ferry about to home ed groups, extracurricular activities, etc. Could I use the motability car for this or would this be against the rules? (The website was unclear.) My disabled son would benefit directly from a motability car, but I would have to use it for journeys that he would not directly benefit from as well if I were to sell my car. (And if I were to keep my car there would be no point in the motability vehicle ifyswim.) Anyone else in this position or knows the answer?
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda June 6, 2018 14:34
I've often had lifts home from the gym in motability car my friend has on behalf of her son. She uses the car as 'her' car because as you say there is no point in her keeping a second car as she has the motability one. In any event - how on earth could it be monitored what a particular journey was for?
Edited 17/02/2021
Wizzywoo June 6, 2018 21:29
Yes you can use it for all family members. You cannot always have the eligible person with you and it is designed to make life for the whole family easier in view of the extra needs of the disabled person.
Edited 17/02/2021
Fruitcake June 7, 2018 13:40
Thank-you both. I have rung the benefits adviser of the charity that helps people with my son's condition and they agree with you. She pointed out that being able to take my teenagers to their activities provides a break for them and also for my disabled son, who has very different tastes in music and film/TV etc. (Think, contrast between Classic FM type popular classical music and Rapping!) He definitely benefits from the house being quieter at times and of-course so do they benefit from going out and doing their own thing. They have a great relationship as it stands, but maybe would not if they couldn't get away from each other from time to time. The car would be used for my disabled son's benefit, often directly, sometimes indirectly, and I think that covers it.
Edited 17/02/2021


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