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Wide stairgates that wheelchairs fit through

Catucci September 21, 2009 11:20
Hi everyoneI wondered if any of you have come across extra wide stairgates that a wheelchair would fit through? Obviously most of them would be unsuitable because there is a "lip" all the way around that a wheelchair wouldn''t clear. We live in a bungalow so don''t need them for stairs but would still need them to stop littlie wondering off! Any info will be appreciated, thanks.xX Cat Xx
Edited 17/02/2021
tsmum September 21, 2009 13:51
We did get on from mother care three years ago that was made out of pink mesh. It had to be screwed on to both door frames (narrowing the door by about an inch each side) but had no bottom lip and swang wide open.
Edited 17/02/2021
Midge September 22, 2009 18:44
Hi,I have a permanent fix gate at the bottom of the stairs. It opens fully, just like a gate. Its an Ikea Bison, but I'm fairly sure that its been superceded now with a newer model. Probably you'll find one on their website under children's safety.If you have one like that you do need someone with some skill to fix it properly, my dad did ours almost 20 years ago, when we moved here with a 6 month old baby. Said baby is fast approaching 21, but the gate is still firmly fixed and has withstood umpteen kids, pulling it, standing on it, swinging on it etc. My dad was a good fixer Midge
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree December 31, 2009 15:21 have 2 of these. mainly because of the stair lift. It is like a roller blind system with no floor lip and can go across at an angle.also they now make these my parents have one of these which just slots in across their stairs, they lift it out of the way
Edited 17/02/2021
loadsofbubs December 31, 2009 18:34
I recently fixed a Lindam expandable gate cross my hall way, that has no bits on the floor. mothercare also make a wooden extendable gate that doesn't have bits on the floor, but doesn't go quite as wide as the lindam one. got mine in toys r us.
Edited 17/02/2021


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