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Court hearing - issues - death certificate

cmt January 11, 2019 12:25
Hi everyone, my first post. Our adoption court hearing was heard today, but has been adjourned as the court does not have proof that the birth father has died - what we have been told by the authority via birth mother. However, on our prospective child's birth certificate no father is named. Obviously we're really upset as we've had a long process to get to where we are today and the excitement that today we may legally be parents. I'm not sure where we stand on this - how do you prove someone has died, what if the mother wasn't telling the truth and he is still alive. I'm not sure of all the ifs and buts but if anyone has experienced anything like this, would be grateful of your feedback. Thanks
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti January 11, 2019 16:14
Hello cmt I would imagine your agency should take care of this for you. I think I'm right in saying that if you don't know the register office where the death was registered, you have to wait 6 months from the date of death to order a certificate. So if you know when the birth father is supposed to have died, then you (or your social worker) can obtain a death certificate after 6 months. Sounds like your SW didn't have all their paperwork in order. Of course its entirely possible the birth mother has given incorrect information (and even if someone has died he may or may not have been the actual father?) We had our adoption order postponed for a different reason. We were 'gutted' as they say. But AO was granted a few weeks later.
Edited 17/02/2021
little bear January 13, 2019 21:17
Hi cmt - I'm so sorry, how disappointing for you. I can imagine that in the disappointment all sorts of worst case scenarios are playing out - the birth father being identified, not dead, and returning to claim your child. Please be assured that that won't happen. As Larsti has said, this is about SWs not managing to get the paperwork sorted out. Do the best you can to put all of this to the back of your mind and carry on enjoying family life with your son. It will, eventually, be sorted. Best wishes LB
Edited 17/02/2021
safia January 13, 2019 21:24
Also possibly the birth mum trying to drag things out (so from her point of view it’s not final) by introducing an element of doubt
Edited 17/02/2021
Callie January 14, 2019 09:37
We had similar issues with the BM updating information regarding possibe BF at a late stage. It was awful, and frustrating as SW should have sorted this out prior to court application. Fingers crossed for you that it is just a blip. Ours delayed placement by 3 months. It is best to get it resolved now, rahter than BF "turning up" at a later stage and claiming he wasnt given an opportunity re the child. I am sure the courts will be pragmatic after a certain period of time, if no proof can be found, in the interest of the child. Best wishes.
Edited 17/02/2021


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