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I’d forgotten how do do this!

Donatella July 16, 2022 21:08

Just a very short one .. very proud to say that eldest son graduated from university this week! He’s not had it easy and suffers with depression and anxiety, plus having two autistic siblings, but he did it! And he did his dissertation on adoption.

A lovely, emotional day. Now taking a year out before going back to do his Masters on, hopefully, criminal psychology.


Safia July 16, 2022 21:14

Wow fantastic news! Huge congratulations to eldest (can’t remember his pseudo name) and to you all - a real reason to celebrate! Wish I could read his dissertation! I’ve followed his progress and that of the rest of your family since the kids were small and it’s no small achievement but you’re a great role model for us all as well as tirelessly giving advice and support to those that need it. Have a great time celebrating

July 17, 2022 12:21

Wonderful news and congratulations to your son for his effort and achievement.

Thanks to you too for your support and your wise words of advice to us.

July 17, 2022 15:44

Congratulations - all that hard work paid off. and a great future ahead of him.

chestnuttree July 18, 2022 10:38

What an amazing achievement. Congratulations to him and all of you! I hope he has fun during his well deserved gap year.

santamonica July 26, 2022 13:31

This is fantastic news for him and yourself. All the best for a fun gap year and happy future.

Lilythepink September 3, 2022 19:53

Congratulations - that is a wonderful achievement.

Donatella September 4, 2022 17:14

Thanks all. It’s taken a bit of adjustment having him home but he’s found a job - not related to his degree but full time and he’s earning! And I’m looking forward to the discount once he’s completed his 3 month probation period!


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