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Christmas Cards - grrrr

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cowgirls December 13, 2018 12:16
Why both sending me a card if you can't be bothered to find out my kids names ! My mum goes on holiday for 3 weeks a time with a friend who she has known for over 50 years … cards says Mr & Mrs Cowgirls and family ! My neighbour opposite has also just dropped off a card …. and family ! Lazy lazy lazy What pushes your buttons over Christmas ;)
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella December 13, 2018 12:23
I do that! Send them to x and y and family and sign them from x and y and family. I hate the faff of writing cards so send as few as possible and write as little as possible! I just do neighbours and immediate family and make a charity donation!
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Bop December 13, 2018 12:23
I have to say I don't really mind - I can't remember everyone's kids names so sometimes put "and family" What is the alternative - no card, some names, incorrect names, misspelt names? A card is to say they are thinking of you, names or no names.
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safia December 13, 2018 12:36
I usually write “and family” as I tend to write all the cards at one sitting and it’s quite laborious to write every single name - also “and family” covers everyone whether living at home or not / married / their children etc - and as families get bigger and bigger it does become harder to remember everyone’s names
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Haven December 13, 2018 13:12
I must admit I'm the same - I've never thought about it before - I don't mind if people send 'and family' to me! What pushes my buttons isn't adoption related, but it's those posts on Facebook where people announce, "I'm not sending cards, I'm donating money to charity instead" - well Just do it then, don't tell the world! On planet adoption, there's actually very little that pushed my buttons at Christmas, although every year I ask the kids to write a wee note for their FCs and they never do. But that doesn't really upset me - it's 8 years on and I just think it would be nice for them to know how the kids are getting on. x
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cowgirls December 13, 2018 17:27
Chuckle chuckle so really you're saying it's me ! :) I'm a geek ! I spend ages doing the cards & meticulously check each card with address book (I kid you not) making sure I have all the kids & or perhaps new partner's name ;)
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cowgirls December 13, 2018 17:29
Haven ...... Also donating to charity in lieu of Christmas cards for you guys Ha ha ha
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Milly December 13, 2018 19:26
I check too, Cowgirl! But realise I only look inside the cards to see who has sent them so probably wouldn't notice who exactly they've been written to. Keep toying with the idea of abandoning writing cards altogether as it's such a chore and I never have much time. But do like receiving them, so not sure how that would work. I think some people have already decided to do this as I don't think I've heard from them in recent years. My latest idea is to only write them for people I get cards from - but it's starting to snowball and become a chore after all!
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Bigmrs December 13, 2018 20:15
I think you’re right milly - we have received only two so far... either people are stopping sending cards in general or we have been cut out of their lives!!!! It is definitely a chore - husband says he likes to send a lot but doesn’t seem to get round to doing it! And definitely does not know children’s names or look for addresses - or buy the stamps!!! I am just responding to cards this year and sending to the few people too who I think it will matter to! Xx
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Flosskirk December 13, 2018 20:44
I do that, I didn't know it was a sin. Thing is, most of my friends have adult children now. I dont know who is still at home, especially a problem with fellow adopters who have very difficult children who may have left under a cloud. And I really struggle with names. Joss/Josh is a particular problem.
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Haven December 13, 2018 21:25
I have pointedly ignored writing my cards tonight having told myself all day I would do them. Cowgirl, Can I pick the charity? :-D
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Callie December 14, 2018 09:30
I must admit, I am a bit like you Cowgirl when it comes to writing cards, but don't let myself get wound up by what people put in return but its a bit like thank yous - some of us are sad sticklers, others a bit more relaxed I've had to learn to do what I feel is right, and lower my expectations of others Every year, a particular close relative tells me she has not had time to write card; yet she spends the whole of December at social events so I guess its all about your own priorities
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Donatella December 14, 2018 10:02
The only cards I’ve written so far are to my mum, sister and bil and my niece and nephew! Haven’t even written hubbys or kids! Hey ho!!
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Serrakunda December 14, 2018 12:20
Christmas and Birthday cards are Simba's jobs. I only write ones to him (and the cat)
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safia December 14, 2018 12:55
Do you get one back from the cat?
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Serrakunda December 14, 2018 13:04
Of course, he is no ordinary cat. Indeed he is currently installed on my shoulder reading the ipad. Merry Christmas all Ed the cat miaw, miaw
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createamum December 14, 2018 13:55
I am the only one who writes cards so they usually get addressed to & family as I have a memory like a sieve of whos married who and kids. My pet peeve is shopping, why is it that the shops are full of people frantically filling a trolley with towers of food when the shop is only going to be closed for 24 hrs. Also the ones that stop in the middle of the aisle for a chat and I can’t get passed, then tut when you say excuse me. I usually send hubby food shopping for the fresh bits when he finished a late shift at 2 am, he loves it and I don’t get stressed.
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Larsti December 14, 2018 19:31
Well, we stopped sending Christmas cards a long time ago but we still send to neighbours and anyone we want to say thank you to. It was interesting that when we stopped sending them we got almost zero back the next year. So I wondered what it was all about in the first place! Now that you mention people tutting when you say 'Excuse me please' Createamum I have a pet peeve but its all year round. Its people who want to get past but don't say anything at all. Sometimes they are behind you so you can't see them but when you become aware of them it seems an apology is in order. And then when you say 'excuse me' people don't like it. Since when was it rude to say 'excuse me'. And people who don't hold the door for the person behind, just let it swing in your face. Or walk through a door you're holding open and don't say thank you. I hate that! Let's see, I must have a few more things I'm annoyed about.....
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Flosskirk December 14, 2018 19:34
These days you are lucky to get a card at all. So many people have stopped sending them. They will probably die off completely in a few years, like Victorian mourning paraphernalia. So enjoy while you can regardless of how they are addressed!
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createamum December 14, 2018 23:13
I think the other problem with cards is knowing which stamp to put on it, now you have small letters and large letter, I usually put two first class stamps on each envelope and hope for the best. I can’t stand rude people anytime of the year but they really get to me at Christmas, no please or thank yous or just look through you like you’re not there.
Edited 17/02/2021
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