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Clinical psychologists

breen July 25, 2009 12:46
Dh and I are having a meeting with Zig and Zag''s sw following on from a link and before the matching panel. I have been given a list of people who are also present, one of whom is a clinical psychologist. In previous conversations and reports, there has been no mention of a cp being involved. Are they routinely involved with pre-adoption children? Zig and Zag are 3 and 5.Breen
Edited 17/02/2021
venezia July 25, 2009 13:19
They can't be routinely involved because we never came across one, so I assume there is a reason.Ask your sw to clarify why cp is attending..Good luckx
Edited 17/02/2021
finoni9 July 25, 2009 13:27
I know in our area they only get a CP involved if they really have to as they prefer all work (therapy/counselling) to be done when the child is in a permanent placement, so I would definitely ask why a CP is involved.
Edited 17/02/2021
bovary July 26, 2009 09:17
Also, why has there been no CP report included in the CPR?
Edited 17/02/2021
bluebelle July 27, 2009 12:49
Hi Definitely clarify why a CP is involved but it may not neccessarily be the children who were assessed though, it could have been the birth parents(s) prior to the placement order being made, as part of the process of deciding the best future outcome for the children.Whatever the reason it is good that the CP will be at the meeting because you will be able to speak to them wishesBB
Edited 17/02/2021


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