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Section 20 Contact

foreverson July 9, 2018 12:06
You may read my previous posts about our AS. On Friday we had to sign a section 20 order so we could gain respite. Under no circumstances are we looking to place our son in permanent care. All we wanted was a little rest to recharge our batteries and get our son the help we need. We have requested to see our son for contact as we don’t want him to feel abandoned. SS are saying that all contact must be supervised! Is this really the case or are they just being awkward? He is still OUR son. Does contact have to be supervised?
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda July 9, 2018 13:03
I've no idea whether section 20 contact has to be supervised but my first thought was in view of his history of violence towards you, maybe its a safeguarding issue ? It could also be about protecting you from false allegations. take care, hope the respite is helping and not creating further cause for worry
Edited 17/02/2021
Bop July 9, 2018 13:03
Yes if SW say it does.... In my experience, SWs have very little experience of adoption and the issues around it, and YP that end up back in care, with attachment issues will often reject parents as a way of surviving and SW don't understand what is going on..... S20 I supposed to mean you still have parental responsibilities - in reality you have little say. I would recommend joining the Potato Group - lots of experience on there of this sort of situation....
Edited 17/02/2021
Wizzywoo July 9, 2018 16:19
I have had a child in foster care on sec 20 and contact was never supervised so short answer is no. In fact i am struggling to see how they can enforce supervised contact as you have full P R and they have non unless things have changed legally. Are they looking to get an interim care order ? If so get a lawyer asap . If not then you make all decisions for your son ! You can remove him or revoke a sec 20 whenever you want and take him home. If they disagree they will go to court to get an interim care order whilst long term decisions are made. Have a look at the child protection resources on line .
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 July 10, 2018 21:46
Pleeees get yourself a suitable lawyer as soon as possible, if you haven't already. Your situation has the potential to get very tricky. ( and have a read of the latest post in adopters forum sectionwhich although a different set of original circumstances shows what can happen when sw decide to take a different standpoint to parents) Take care of yourself Best Wishes Pingu
Edited 17/02/2021
Haven July 10, 2018 22:03
How is it that SWs who work in adoption can have so little understanding of the issues that adopted kids and their parents face? It beggars belief. I agree with Pingu about having appropriate legal help on standby, but I do think it might be worthwhile asking them what benefits supervisions would have since it isn't mandatory? x
Edited 17/02/2021
Haven July 10, 2018 22:03
How is it that SWs who work in adoption can have so little understanding of the issues that adopted kids and their parents face? It beggars belief. I agree with Pingu about having appropriate legal help on standby, but I do think it might be worthwhile asking them what benefits supervisions would have since it isn't mandatory? x
Edited 17/02/2021
Madrid July 11, 2018 08:03
My personal experience of S20 is that you have full parental responsibility in theory; in practice it never happened for us. SS did the very bare minimum of involvement = very little. They also were not interested in any reunification of our family and did absolutely nothing to promote this with our daughter or to facilitate this for us. They were far more interested in telling her about her rights and encouraging her to have as little to do with us as possible.
Edited 17/02/2021


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