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Our experience

Billbobaggins May 10, 2015 20:28
Our LA lost my wife's medical report three times, a confidential report, missing in the local authority or hospital mail system. They took the phrase 'adoptor led' to the extreme during stage one - made out it was out fault that we were overdue a 1st review meeting. Didn't bother to tell us about organised support group meeting, we were expected to be telepathic. Finally 'paused' us 6 months after applying, despite being open about wife's depression from the start, because of her past depression. Still stuck in stage 1. sigh Can't help feeling that if I was a single bloke I'd have got through by now!
Edited 17/02/2021
rosyposy May 18, 2015 19:27
would you be up for moving? They sound hopeless… You would be able to take your medial with you. failing that - i would ensure that all correspondence is sent via email so there is a paper trail and that the adoption manager is copied in...
Edited 17/02/2021
Chocoholic88 June 15, 2015 17:40
Hi we have currently been "paused" too so I know how you feel. Started process in March and LA didn't have any learning day dates available in our 8 week time scale. So not our fault, they have now said we haven't done enough learning or reading and possible need counselling to deal with infertility. I can't help but think they just try to put everyone off at each stage as part of the test.
Edited 17/02/2021


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