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Thoughts and Prayers for September

Mumstheword September 2, 2013 12:34
Thinking of those mentioned in Thoughts and Prayers in August, as well as those facing back to school /college/ etc...Thank you for those who contribute to this thread - please do keep the above in your thoughts /prayers. Thanks, Madrid, I too appreciate our friend who set up this thread. I do hope all is well.Love to all, and if you are struggling a bit at the mo, remember, just take it step by step...and tiny steps at that. I have to keep reminding myself of that as I tackle a few changes and challenges. Nothing too bad, just the time of year and all the change it brings, and I have to keep reminding myself not to feel overwhelmed, but just keep plodding on and doing all I need to!
Edited 17/02/2021
cowgirl September 2, 2013 19:14
Such a beautiful day today & I hope & pray for all these effected by the massive month of change that effect so many in September
Edited 17/02/2021


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