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Adopting if have had anxiety

nayia August 29, 2013 11:28
Hi there, I am newly single, 41 and have suffered with anxiety/depression in the past although I am also a trainee counsellor and psychotherapist so I am all for people getting better/positive...however, would that stop me from being able to be considered for adopting as I really don''t know what the guidelines are or how much information adoption agencies want from your GP etc? Regards N
Edited 17/02/2021
PollyPocket August 29, 2013 11:44
HeyYour GP is given a full questionnaire to complete during a medical which for me lasted an hour. I know for others it's been much shorter. The questionnaire is provided by BAAF. Maybe you could ask for a copy to see?But basically they ask and record any thing significant from birth to now. So there will be a record about your depression/anxiety recorded with a note from GP about how you are now. This will also be something that will be discussed within your home study with social worker and written in your report for approval panel. I'm guessing from your post you haven't approached any agencies yet? Look to see which local ones are doing info evenings (go to as many as you can). Call agencies for an informal chat. Get a feel at how supportive they will be. I know it is something that won't rule you out. But will need to be discussed so your agency is confident in how you will cope and how strong your network is incase it returns. Hope that helps!
Edited 17/02/2021
Sivier August 29, 2013 12:34
HelloI'm not single but wanted to mention that my husband had some counselling for depression and anxiety at the end of his previous relationship. He talked about this in the home study and in the report on us. He was very open about why he needed the support, and how it helped him. It was never an issue, though for him it has (so far) been a one-off - a different kind of experience with depression may raise more questions or concerns, but it is essential to be upfront about all this.Also acknowledging the fact that you are newly single may be helpful when talking to agencies or social workers ie that you may need a little time to adjust to that, or reference how you are managing the transition to this new phase in your life and that you have given a little thought to being a single adoptive parent. All this will be covered in the assessment process, but it's good to show that you are considering the practical and not just emotional side of things.Very best of luck! It might be encouraging to hear that I was on the 'wrong' side of 45 when we adopted a young child, as were quite a few adoptive mums I know.
Edited 17/02/2021
Georgie1410 August 29, 2013 12:59
HiI have just had a look at my BAAF health form for you.The form asks for triggers for mental health problems and details of therapy and medications received in the part you complete. On the GP side, a more detailed response to conditions is requested as you would expect but the GP is also asked their assessment of current condition and long term prognosis. Also, part of your training will include sensitive issues and your sw will observe how well you handle things. I think you should go for it and trust your sw opinion.Hope this helps. Good luck!
Edited 17/02/2021
newmum1 August 30, 2013 12:50
HiHaving had depression and anxiety in the past it wasn't a problem for me during the assessment process and was approved as an adoptive parent. I was very open about it and explained what I would do if I had problems with it.One thing I would recommend is that if you are taking any anti depressants that you continue to take them as I stopped taking mine and then the depression came back very strongly after the child had been placed. I think that it wouldn't have been quite so bad had I continued taking the anti depressants and my agency are also thinking the same thing.Good luck!Newmum1
Edited 17/02/2021
Fishwife1949 August 30, 2013 18:18
I thing the thing that stands out to me me is that your newly single How long have you been single and were you living together they way want you to wait a certain amount of time "to get over it" I heard of people being defrred because they were getting a exsention built
Edited 17/02/2021
kelpie August 31, 2013 08:00
Yes you can.I thought the same as you- that it would rule me out of adopting but it hasn't.Its how you deal with it that is important.
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda August 31, 2013 10:47
as others have said depression in itself should not be problem, but how you deal with it,Being newly single may be more of an issue at the moment, Social workers will want to know that divorces are complete, financial arrangements sorted out etc. Adoption is a very stressful process. They will want to know that you are settled before embarking on it and that your motivations are sound.If they say come back in a year, dont worry, there are lots of 'older ' adopters around, I started out at 42 and was nearly 46 when Simba came homeGood luck
Edited 17/02/2021
Levygirl September 3, 2013 23:19
I think being newly single is probably more of an issue. I had to be able to show that I had dealt with all the emotional and practical side of my divorce before I could start on the process. I have also had long term anxiety and depression but my GP was really supportive of me going through the adoption process, monitored my medication and when it was brought up in home assessment or panel I was able to be open and honest about how it affects me, how I recognise it and get support for it and how, if at all I felt it would impact on my adopting.The process is detailed for a reason but the social workers are looking for what strengths and skills you bring to the table, they are not there to trip you up. At the same time they have the task of deciding if you are capable of parenting a child with, at least, an unsettled past and at worst very complex needs. I felt that the home assessment stage really helped me to explore that and for my anxiety and depression to be a part of the exploration.Good Luck!!
Edited 17/02/2021


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