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My little superstar

hr23 June 15, 2013 22:00
Just so very proud of my darling 6 year old who this morning was in a play and had to remember lots of lines.She was just amazing , she spoke loudly and clearly, remembered all her words and delivered them with emphasis, she danced and did all the actions and sang clearly and beautifully her Mummy had tears in her eyes and it was just so clear how far she has come and that on the hardest of days when it feels like nothing has changed or she doesn''t understand or her hypervigilance kicks in that in fact she has and in some ways it all comes out in the most wonderful of performances where she really did outshine everybody else ( not just proud Mummy speak the head of the school also came and praised her on how proud she was of her as well) Bless her smiling little face-painted mouse face. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Edited 17/02/2021
minnie7 June 15, 2013 22:09
Edited 17/02/2021
phoebe67 June 15, 2013 23:20
Well done that little girl and her loving mummy! She obviously feels great to handle that. Do enjoy seeing just how far you've come.Phoebe x
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti June 15, 2013 23:25
wonderful I hope it was recorded too, so that you can enjoy it again and again. But if not you still have that memory to share together.Larsti x
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree June 16, 2013 17:32
You have made me really smile too!Lovely
Edited 17/02/2021
Monkey Magic June 16, 2013 20:12
Good to hear from you HR23. Wonderful news.MMx
Edited 17/02/2021


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