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Eurodisney - Fast passes?

bluebelle September 4, 2013 11:51
HI all on this new shiny website thingy DS is on the autistic spectrum and really doesn't do wait. I get middle rate DLA for his other 'issues with life'. He is desperate to go to Disneyland and I've heard you can get fast-track or priority passess or something. Does anyone know how to arrange this, what documentation you need etc? thanks BB
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella September 4, 2013 13:21
I thought I read somewhere that Disney were replacing fast passes. Anyhow not sure that's exactly what you need as anyone can get them. Have you looked at the disability section of their website?
Edited 17/02/2021
Kismit September 4, 2013 15:14
For UK theme parks you need a letter from your child's CAMHS Consultant stating that they can't cope with queuing and require a Ride Access pass. The DLA letter won't get this pass BUT will get your child a reduced price ticket plus one carers free ticket. Essentially you need two pieces of documentation to get full benefits. (A responsible local teenager loves taking my DS to a nearby theme park now. Local teen gets in for free, no queues, and DS apparently attracts lots of female teens!). Sorry I don't have a Disney specific answer for you.
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella September 4, 2013 15:21
That's not how it works at merlin attractions. We did madam tussauds and Legoland at the weekend. They require a letter of diagnosis only. Ours was from Camhs and paed. Does not entitle you to free child place - still had to pay for them - but you get in for free as a carer. At Legoland you can also get an exit pass meaning you avoid the queues. Dla letter not sufficient.
Edited 17/02/2021
Kismit September 4, 2013 15:43
Letter from CAMHS can either be the one with diagnosis or letter stating that the child can't queue and needs a Ride Access pass. The letter needs to be current i.e. you will need one with this years date on it so if the diagnosis was years ago the second letter is easier to get. I request mine from the consultant via email. The DLA letter is a separate thing. You do not need to have one to get the Ride Access pass, indeed the DLA letter will not, as you say, get you the Ride Access pass. What the DLA letter will do is get you reduced entry for your child and one free carers ticket. We have both documents so get both benefits. Sorry if I was confusing earlier.
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella September 4, 2013 17:57
Edited 17/02/2021
loadsofbubs September 4, 2013 20:18
at Disney you can get a disabled pass. it entitles the person and up to 4 family members to enter via the designated disabled entry (usually the ride exit) and to wait there. it means not queueing in the long queues but doesn't mean no queueing at all, but is usually still a whole lot faster than the standard queues. it also means you get priority seating in shows (designated areas) and for some rides, like pirates of the caribean, you have to go to the person outside and get a time to go and use the priorty entrance becoz they are only allowed one disabled person per ride usually. you cant go on rides using the pass with out the disabled person also on the ride. I've never needed any kind of proof of disability for AS but he does have downs so it is clear as day light that he has a disability. you also have designated areas for the parade which is useful as they are not as crowded as just standing on the street side. but you can only have the disabled person and one other. they tried to make me leave small bubs on the street side outside of the ropes of the designated area! but I refused and they gave up.
Edited 17/02/2021
silver birch September 6, 2013 12:02
We went to Disney Paris this August. You get a disability card from the Town Hall which is on the left in Disney Park. We took a recent letter of diagnosis (ADHD). The lady in front of us in a wheel chair with her leg in plaster was unable to have a pass, so I would make sure you take some sort of letter. LOB's describes well how it works. They did let all 5 of us in the disability area for the parade and fireworks/ light show in Disney Park. In the Studios Park a very stern lady would only allow disabled person plus carer in the disabled area for the parade. With the pass you are able to get round all the rides very quickly. We did both parks in 2 days, going on all the rides at least once (except for a few DS was not tall enough for). The kids had a great time.
Edited 17/02/2021


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