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CatLady1 April 27, 2019 21:05

Looked for the Posted Today page but I can't see it either. I'm on my phone though and things seem to appear differently there.

Safia, I've discovered I can read the posts just by going to the AUK website and clicking on the community section. But to post or respond, I have to sign in with all the password and pin number stuff which seems cumbersome.

I too am concerned that the very experienced adopters won't bother with the new forum. To me, that is where the value is. I've learnt so.much by reading the various threads over the last couple of years and really value the support given by people who have 'been there'.. I pass on info to my daughter who has her hands very full with little Kitcat and seldom has time for online stuff.

Not heard from anyone yet re the WhatsApp group.

Must away, I've been invited out for a glass of wine!

Edited 17/02/2021
Safia April 27, 2019 21:52

Must say that’s how I got support and information for years - by reading all the threads. You should hear from somebody by Monday at the latest there’s just a delay in the person finding their membership number

Have a lovely evening!

Edited 17/02/2021
April 27, 2019 21:59

Nice wine, LizLee I’ll join you virtually, rubbish day here from start to finish, I’ve kept monster child up as late as I can I hope that we get a layin. Probably not.

i am having a musical evening, started with mama Mia now on to the new one. I do love a good musical film and adore ABBA so the best of everything and singing along is great therapy.

i am not sure about the site, it’s going to take a week or so to get used to it I think, I am glad we all found each other again, hopefully our missing comrades will turn up soon.

Part of our problem here is her denial about everything, plus her newly learnt talent of swearing like a sailor, I’ve been called every name under the sun today, it’s really gotten to me. I’ve ended up screaming like a banshee at her, I know it’s not very therapeutic but it was better than any of the other alternatives in my head.

Edited 17/02/2021
April 27, 2019 22:17

Oh I think that our member has lost her membership details. I will sign up tomorrow but the caveat is that they need to checks that I'm a legitimate adopter so that could take a day or two, I would guess. Please be patient and don't loose hope / trust - I'm trying my hardest to keep my children's and my life anonymous whilst keeping a dialog going with you all. I really don't want to lose the contact that we have but I do want to keep all identity on this very public forum safe.

On a comedy note: how many people does it take to get the tyre off a bicycle wheel in the Peahen household? Answer - 3+. We made it eventually but it was not a comfortable 2.5 hours changing three tyres. Why three? I hear you ask. Well you will have to wait for the next thrilling installment to find out!!

Edited 17/02/2021
April 27, 2019 22:18

Puff! Why does this blinking forum navigate back to the beginning of the thread after each post - bonkers! But what do I know? Still not over-keen on being an iguana ...

Edited 17/02/2021
CatLady1 April 28, 2019 00:36

Quite understand about the security concerns Chicks Mum; that must be paramount.

Createamum,I hope you really did have a nice glass of wine.. and that tomorrow is much better. I am very partial to a musical myself, Jesus Christ Superstar being current favourite.

I did look at the possibility of joining auk myself, but as a grandparent that is not possible. Ah well, upward and onward!

Edited 17/02/2021
April 28, 2019 01:34

anxious test post from a long term lurker and occasional poster. Not sure I trust this new site and want to see how my name appears. I have found the wisdom of adopters on this site invaluable but am very confused by this new look.

Edited 17/02/2021
April 28, 2019 01:58

Now off to bed totally confused. I appear above as hedgehog my community name but in the list of forum subject by my user name name - very unhappy and not sure why - hopefully AUK can advise me tomorrow. I would need a lot of convincing to post a question again re our AC! I hope it improves for the sake of all adopters.

Edited 17/02/2021
April 28, 2019 13:24

Really feeling rough today, I think I have a cold on top of my endometriosis, Sticky is doing well today, she’s helped clean the lounge, has done most of her homework and is now helping DH make lunch.

i am finding things a little complicated on the website, I can find questions but I can’t always post on the chats. Hopefully they’ll sort out the snags as soon as possible.

CM bike tyre changes are always a group activity in the creative household and can even involve the cat if a bowl of water is involved. I can’t wait to hear your story.

Edited 17/02/2021
onlineteamAUK April 28, 2019 19:35



" rows="6" >Hi everyone,

Some privacy and username information on the forum:

• Your login username for the Link Maker / Adoption UK community is never shown to other users.

• Family-finding on Link Maker is separate to any community features, and only your real name is used with social workers for the purpose of matching.

• Your community name (your forum username) is shown, and this can be the same or similar to your past forum username depending on whether you want to be recognised from your past posts.

• Social workers cannot see your community profile.

• Please choose a username that doesn’t identify you personally, or from activity on other websites that you would not want to be recognised from.

• You can change your username by clicking on the Adoption UK community tab at the top of the page and choosing the my profile section from the drop down menu. Then click the edit button on the following page, change your name in the Community name field and then click submit at the bottom of the page


Edited 17/02/2021

Best wishes, Online Team AUK

CatLady1 April 28, 2019 19:55

Dear auk, I’m afraid my experience with the forum is rather different to that outlined in your message. . I have seen my username shown to the public when I am the last one to post on a topic, then when I go into the thread, my community name shows up instead. Also I have seen the user name of another poster in the same circumstances - I know that person used that name for a long time last year.. then when I go into the thread, the user name vanishes and the community name appears.

Also, try as I might, it is impossible to change my community name as outlined. I do everything suggested but the drop down menu does not and never has shown an option to change my community name. I can change user name and password but the community name option is not there. Neither is the option to choose an image. I’ve tried on my smart phone, iPad and laptop now and all give the same result. I’m feeling somewhat frustrated about it all I’m afraid.

Edited 17/02/2021
April 28, 2019 22:37

Still a bit rocky here, Sticky is pushing things more and more especially when it’s just her and me, today was good, bad and ugly. It’s been a bit like the uk weather with madam, all moods in one day.

it’s not helped that I collapsed again late last night, DH called the ambulance, by time they arrived I was awake again, hospital could fined nothing more than high blood pressure and my heart beating irregular again. They’ve suggested another strap on monitor week, last time it showed very little, happy to do it again. My genetic specialist team think it could be due to my condition, they also noticed reduced kidney function when I saw them three months ago, this along with my continued high white blood cell count, need to be monitored. Tomorrow I am having an MRI and a kidney function test, they are also going to strap me into another heart monitor.

On the plus side sticky slept through it all, my neighbour stayed with her while we were at the hospital and when I came home she was still fast asleep. She did say I smelt funny this morning when she came for her morning cuddle, she also told hubby he should go to bed early when he mentioned he was shattered. We have decided not to tell her about the hospital as it will only set her off, especially as we’re getting close to letter box contact, which means she’ll be ready to rocket herself over the edge without anything else.

thanks fo letting me dump everything here, off to make a large cup of tea and maybe a bit of chocolate.

Edited 17/02/2021
Safia April 28, 2019 23:25

That’s very difficult Createamum - dealing with such difficult and worrying health problems and ms sticky too! At least you seem to be getting the right investigations - and good news ms sticky is calmer today - you’re definitely right not to mention the hospital to her - look after yourself and try and relax and get some rest

Edited 17/02/2021
CatLady1 April 29, 2019 00:16

Uh...What a rough time you are having creatamum. Glad to hear that miss sticky stayed calm. I do hope all goes well for you and that the health mysteries are quickly sorted. Take care xx

Edited 17/02/2021
April 29, 2019 12:43

Very sorry to hear that you're not well again Createamum. I second LizLee in wishing you well again soon with the mysteries sorted.

On the other matter, I've made progress. I have been verified by the LA that I adopted from as a genuine adopter. Now I'm just waiting to hear whether it is AUK or Link Maker that I need to become a member of in order to send private messages.

Also, I'm going to do a bit of a shout out to the Link Maker Helpdesk - I have a few struggles getting to grips with the new site and working out how to join without compromising my or my children's anonymity. I have sent the Helpdesk many emails and have had nothing but lovely and helpful responses. So, if you are having difficulties with the site I do suggest sending the Helpdesk an email. I'm sure that my experience wasn't a one-off.

And look! We can use bold and italics on this new site - that has to be progress. :-)

Edited 17/02/2021
April 29, 2019 13:15

Well I am now a paid up member of AUK. So, now I'm just waiting for my membership number to be emailed to me. Oh the tension as I take each tiny step towards being able to send private messages ...

Edited 17/02/2021
Safia April 29, 2019 15:27

Xtremely annoying - there was something I wanted to say in reply - so much that I’ve gone through the whole rigmarole of logging on again from scratch and then finding the post again from scratch - which I have to do EVERY time (as I’m sure everyone does) but I didn’t have to before - I could stay logged in - it’s maybe a security thing but so annoying - anyway by the time I got back to the post I couldn’t remember what I wanted to say!!!

Edited 17/02/2021
April 29, 2019 21:38

Your not the only one who forgets things Safia, I logged on earlier with a thought and it just went. MRI showed nothing, now growths and the scaring I’ve always had hasn’t got any worse. Blood tests results will be a week, no ones expecting anything exciting in it, I’ve been told to drink more, strangely the hospital didn’t think large glasses of white wine was ideal.

time fo dinner, I’ve made gammon hocks with Apple and cider sauce, roasted new potatoes and asparagus, sounds healthy ish.

Edited 17/02/2021
April 30, 2019 12:43

Zut alors, this is getting painful. I now have my AUK membership number but it may take up to a week to get it recognised on Link Maker's site (really? how hard can it be to synch two systems in under a week?). I will keep trying and let you know how I get on.

Createamum, your comment about white wine had me in stitches - when you wrote "I've been told to drink more" a glass of wine was exactly the image that popped into my head ...

Edited 17/02/2021
May 2, 2019 13:16

And this is going to take a long time. According to another thread (apologising for the glitches) they are having to manually map AUK membership numbers to Link Maker users so, although, I haven't forgotten, I am powerless to private message at the moment. Will check in again regularly, though.

Edited 17/02/2021


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