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Just Seen A Picture Of Dreamboat (absolutely disgusted)

Darcy September 2, 2009 16:42
I have just snooped on Facebook and by chance I came across Miss Darcy''s site. A fluke but a good one. Guess who else I came across, yes "dreamboat" with a spliff in his mouth, about aged between 45-50, (well looks it anyway).Strangely, he also looks remarkabely like Miss D''s birth father. YUK YUK YUK!!!!!Guess what folks, I now have his name!!!. Mr D wants nothing more to do with Miss, and grandparent Darcy is absolutely disgusted.In pictures Miss D has low cut top on, and looks like how much are you charging!!.This man is a disgusting low life!!!Con man written all over his face.So is this what we adopted for, for Miss D to abuse herself in this way!!.Also guess what the lowlife is a daddy as well!!! Has what looks like two teenage sons.Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 2, 2009 17:36
Update, we now have address. Well well what abit of detective work can do.Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Shes like the wind September 2, 2009 19:22
No brownie points for taste then...So the matcho stud that she always dreamed about is not quite the reality....Shame really but you cant do anything about it..nature has to run its course.Any news re email?
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 2, 2009 19:58
No news re e mail. Beginning to think that "dreamy" may have sent it, thinking he is having a laugh at our expense.Thats what he thinks.Love Darcy (AKA Inspector Snooply) xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 2, 2009 20:14
I just feel like a bit of a rant so I am going to have one.Do you know who I blame for Miss D, SS thats who, not willing to pay for urgent therapy requested by FF. At least it may have given Miss D a chance.I also blame placing authority for not telling us the truth about the kids we took on, but instead painting a false picture of them.I hope your reading this placing authority, as you should be ashamed of yourselves.I also blame myself and Mr D, for not locking Miss D up and throwing away the key.I am so so annoyed. I sincerely hope this never happens in the future to any other adopters on these boards. I am now truly worried, believe you me.This is self abuse at the highest level.I hope someone from FF may be reading this, look what happened FF, you where so right to be concerned.What worries me most is this scum looks exactly like Miss D's birth father, they could be brothers.I am bloody fuming!End of rant! (for now)Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Shiraz September 2, 2009 21:17
If this sleezebag is as old as he looks, this is abuse of a vulnerable young adult by a dirty old man. You must be feeling utterly sick. Sending love and support xxx
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 3, 2009 07:47
Thank you Shiraz, I am feeling beyond sick, Miss D is taking after her birth mum!!. I am afraid the DNA comes before anything.Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 3, 2009 07:49
I don't feel guilty Enid, I just feel sad and worried. What the heck is a matter with her to self harm like this. Mr D is older than me, but he is a decent man, not a slimeball.Love Darcy xxPS As you know I have empathy with you about your son.
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 3, 2009 10:29
Why would Miss D want to self abuse with a person who looks exactly like her abuser does. Of course I know, she is re-living the trauma, and has no self worth or self esteem. Had a disturbed nights sleep thinking about the slimeball, with our vulnerable daughter.Love Darcy xxPS I'd show bloody slimeball if I came face to face with the sleezebag!!.
Edited 17/02/2021
Angelsmum September 3, 2009 10:33
Darcy, think you should print off the picture of this man and throw darts at it and the rest - I want to write p-----t on it and send it to him - but think this maybe a criminal offence - sorry just upset for youAngelsmumx
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 3, 2009 10:36
I bet, Angelmums he is a criminal so probably water off a ducks back. If you could only see him, the Romans used to have Vomitariams I think I shall adapt a part of our home as one.Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021


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