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Advice please...........

biloxiblues October 8, 2009 20:24
We hope someone can give us the benefit of their experience. We are currently considering/being considered for a sibling group who are dual heritage. We are both white but dh''s family is a bit of a melting pot to say the least! There are very many positives for this group but it would be clear that we couldn''t be anything but adoptive parents. This isn''t a problem for us but wanted to know if others had found that it became a problem for their children. Many thanks.BBxx
Edited 17/02/2021
maggiemeik October 8, 2009 20:43
no experience as our ad is mixed race like me so not an issue - there are of course some families on here who have adopted from abroad and their child will look obviously different - there are things to think about, but of course your wider family is multi coloured which is easier for your children that they are not the only ones of a different colour. also depends on what type of area you live in - will they be the only non whites in school etc? are you ready for the questions from everyone who will notice the difference including of course your children - lots of questions - but you're the only one to know the answers to .. have you read " in search of belonging" Perlita harris - great book on children from different cultures/ colours adopted into white families - helps put it in context - alhtough most of hte children were in white families in white areas - so no ethnic mixes in school , town etc.
Edited 17/02/2021
gimli October 8, 2009 20:48
no real advice but dident want to see you with no part of a mixed race family so we all reflect well.(sometimes)as although we are a mixed race family all our children have different skin tones so we are a all shades family as our teen says.however knowing people will asume either one of you is the parent and the other a step parent,or that your adopters is half the battle.with your love and support your children will become able to see passt this and as a family you can work out what you tell nosey people and what you dont.(if that makes sense)and if its people you dont know then really they don matter do they
Edited 17/02/2021


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