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Help for teacher wanting to adopt pupil

shecky April 2, 2011 08:05
Hi, I have taught a little girl for the past year (i also taught her older sister 2 years ago). She has been in foster care for the past 2 years and has recently been put up for adoption. My husband and I would love the opportunity to adopt the little girl (we have 2 sons similar age to the little girl) but are not sure if this is even possible. Does anyone know anything about this?
Edited 17/02/2021
Hilly7 April 2, 2011 08:14
I would suggest that you need to ask the Social Worker about it.We fostered a boy for almost two years. His plan was adoption but they were struggling to find a match that met his profile. His nursery school teacher said on a number of occassions that she would adopt him. In my experience lots of people say that they would adopt the children I foster but they are not serious. In the end I said to her, "are you really serious?". She said that she was. I asked her if she wanted me to ring the SW. She said that she did.I rang up and the SW asked me if I was sure she was serious. I said that I thought she was. They went out to visit her and did a speedy Home Study just based around adopting this specific child. He is now their son.I don't want to raise your hopes too much. It all depends on the plans for the specific child and what their SW thinks but I would certainly look into it.Good luckHilly7
Edited 17/02/2021
aprilshowers April 2, 2011 08:23
hello and welcome,There is nothing stopping you from approaching LA about this little girl, as I understand it you are not her FC but her teacher, so you hubby and birthchildren would have to go through the same assement that any prospective adopter goes through, and I notice that your lads are similar ages, most LA would prefer a better age gap between children.this little one has obviously made an impact on you, check out the prospective adopters and adopters board.good luckjune
Edited 17/02/2021


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