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ivanhoetiger May 2, 2013 18:34
Today we have received a draft statement for our ASD 11 year about to take SATs and transition to high school! The LEA has originally refused to carry out an assessment but backed down a week before the SENDIST tribunal. I would just like to say thank you to the people on this message board who gave me support and encouragement to persue this It is really great to know there are people here for you at very stressful times and take the time to give you the benefit of their experiences.
Edited 17/02/2021
Madrid May 5, 2013 13:42
Many congratulations, ivanhoetiger.It's no mean achievement, I can tell you!You are lucky that your LEA backed down before the SENDIST Tribunal.... lots of LEAs don't - including ours.But I would just like to reassure people on here that, if you do have to go to SENDIST Tribunal, they are a very nice group of people. They will be professionals from education, law, etc and they will question you, but if you give lots of background information in your submission and also take witnesses with you who can verify what you say, that will be a massive help (i.e. Senco from school, class teacher, Deputy or Head Teacher, Therapist etc).The panel are not there to catch you out or make you feel uncomfortable and they do realise that, for many of us, it's a big deal to sit in front of a panel and answer questions. But when your child's future is at stake, it's amazing where your inner courage comes from.Well done, you.
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree May 5, 2013 13:44
Delighted ivanhoetigger what a great achievement and hope now that statement comes up with the goods.WELL DONE
Edited 17/02/2021


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