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Young Single Male Adopter

MG29 February 1, 2021 19:17

Hello everyone,

For the last few months I’ve thought about the adoption process and over the last couple of weeks I have looked into this even more so, I attended an information event with my local authority and stayed on at the end to ask questions as to my own personal situation, that being a 26 year old single male.

I’ve done hours upon hours of reading online and listening to podcasts, a couple of episodes I found designated to Single Male Adopters were extremely helpful and I even reached out to the podcast host to pass on my thanks who then replied with support. As well as speaking to my Mum friends, a colleague who works with children in care and a friend who was adopted herself.

Despite all my research and weighing everything up, I am yet to come across any single male adopters in their mid 20s to get an idea as to what it is like for someone in my exact position.

For background, I have worked with children and young people since the age of 19. Have a beautiful goddaughter and friends with kids who I absolutely dote on. I bought my first home aged 21 and I am currently in the process of buying my second. I’ve decided to hold my application until I have moved. The decision to adopt has been made due to the fact I have waited the last few years for a partner to be able to start a family, however, now realised that there is no reason why I can’t start a family with me and a child

Even myself I feel like I need to justify my reasoning as to why I am thinking about this at my age which is a stigma I have in myself.

Basically, this is a long winded way of asking if there’s anywhere I have missed where I can have any advice or support from others in a similar position to me in regards to my age

Thanks ☺️

Edited 17/02/2021
Ellseer11 February 1, 2021 19:35

There are lots of single male adopters on Instagram (unsure of their ages) but if you find some accounts using ukadoption hashtags or similar you will find them :)

Edited 17/02/2021


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