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Very proud

Ceci September 24, 2012 21:35
Just back from a weekend away when DH and I were taking our respite foster ''daughter'' to university. She''s had such a traumatic life with many moves and very, very wobbly attachment. We have been the only consistent carers in her life and had the great privilege of going with her (we''re in N ireland and university not far from London), helping her settle, and then the sad goodbyes. I''m so proud she''s made it this far, although it will take a miracle for her to stay there and cope. Her anxiety was at an all time high. But she''s there and she''s doing her absolute best to make it work. Can''t believe after 9 years of seeing her every month we won''t see her until Christmas.Just wanted to share....
Edited 17/02/2021
minnie7 September 24, 2012 23:27
Ceci. You must be sooo proud of your foster daughter. And you must have done an amazing job with her for her to do so well if you were the only constants in her life. I hope she manages the term and settles in well.
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk September 25, 2012 12:20
Wow, bet she'll be on the phone a lot. What wonderful support you have given to her.
Edited 17/02/2021


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