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He got a warning card at school :)

skylt September 21, 2018 14:50
A bit of a curve ball for good news I know, but for some reason this makes me really happy. This boy's usual way of coping in school is to lock himself down and just get to the end of the day so he can run home to his safe place. After a problematic Y4 (great teacher, but wider problems in the school) and a truly awful Y5 (totally the wrong type of teacher and poor classroom management), I have gone from a boy who said many times he would rather kill himself than go to school, to a boy that feels safe in his classroom and act up enough in class to get a warning card for talking (his first!). The way he told me about it was great too, he shrugged it off as he'd been told to be quiet a couple of times, and felt that it was a fair consequence. And in other good news, having really worried about the secondary provision around here, we have found exactly the right school for him. He gave it a double thumbs up during the tour, and was even happy enough to leave my side and find his way to the cookery classroom on his own (and yes, he did take 7 of the little cookies that were being made). He is almost excited about starting secondary school. After a really tough year, it is like having a different boy in the house, fingers crossed it lasts for a while.
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti September 21, 2018 14:55
Edited 17/02/2021
Peahen September 21, 2018 15:25
Have to say that sounds great. Just wondering whether the two things that you tell are related, Skylt. Could it be that he can relax at Primary because he is happy with where he is going at Secondary? Or is happy where he is going because he is happier at Primary. Of course I could be talking nonsense but just thought that I'd chuck it out there as an idea.
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 September 21, 2018 15:31
I get this. I remember being delighted that my youngest, at ten years old, came home from his new ( and present) school ( it's an all through school) with muddy knees on his trousers, after coming home immaculate every day at his previous school. Playing football with others instead of just standing at the side of the playground) He got into serious trouble that worried us a lot in S2, but I remember thinking that he would never have felt safe enough to act up in his old place. Enjoy !!
Edited 17/02/2021
About you now September 21, 2018 15:32
I totally understand where you are coming from!! My youngest is totally compliant at school and masks everything. I yearn for the day she shows the 'real' her at school. Well done your boy!! xxxx
Edited 17/02/2021
Milly September 21, 2018 17:26
Having had a child who constantly got into trouble at school, I read the title as being a complaint about the school's systems! Reading it however, I can totally see why it is a positive for you! Great also that you have found the right secondary school!
Edited 17/02/2021


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