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Covid anxiety, the need for control and school refusal.

October 6, 2020 17:39

Hello anyone that knows me from bygone years... we have sort of started yr7 at a specialist school. But my lo has a combination of difficulties...shielding family members, fear of covid, autism, anxiety and school refusal plus a good dose of attitude ...the teen years have come early....Having had many threats of prosecution over the years for non school attendance life is quite difficult .my floreana just wants to stay at home ...i need to have some respite time to go out but of course i cannot as i need to keep her safe ... How are others coping?.

Edited 17/02/2021
October 7, 2020 15:17

Hello Galapogos

wow, Floreana at secondary school - time flies.

She does sound like a handful. Its difficult now because probably most things that could be suggested arent available.

Are you in a support bubble?

Simba is 16 and at college - he is OK but under occupied and I’m a bit worried about him, I’ve been stuck at home since March, I hate working from home and I must admit its starting to drag me down a bit.

But, I am grateful that my job is secure and me and mine are all healthy and not been effected by covid. We managed to salvage a bit of the summer in Wales and Cornwall. I have my allotment and I cashed in a pension (I’m so old!!) so busy getting some essential work done on the house and getting some luxuries - I’m having a new shed on my allotment - can’t believe I’m so excited by loft insulation and a shed!

Edited 17/02/2021


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