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Intercountry Adoption - Roma (Bulgaria)

IslandMama September 24, 2016 22:56
My husband and I are starting the home study process for inter-country adoption in 2017 once our youngest child turns two and one of the countries we are considering adopting from is Bulgaria where we would likely be matched with a child of Roma heritage. I would be interested to connect with parents who have adopted children from Bulgaria, but specifically Roma children whether adopted from overseas or in the UK. In Bulgaria and many (most) other European countries the Roma people experience a lot of racial hatred, prejudice and discrimination and I'd be interested to hear if parents have encountered any of this when people learn that their child is ethnically Roma? I'd also be interested to learn how people try to embrace and foster positive racial/national identity for a Roma child in light of the prejudices they face and the limited resources/understanding of Roma culture.
Edited 17/02/2021
About you now September 24, 2016 23:17
I'm sure there was an almost identical post a while back?? Use the search option & I'm sure you'll find it!
Edited 17/02/2021
IslandMama September 24, 2016 23:21
Oh thank you you "About you now" I have now found that post. :)
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto September 24, 2016 23:57
I wonder why does it matter or the child is Roma or Bulgarian?
Edited 17/02/2021
loadsofbubs September 25, 2016 10:13
becoz roma is a distinct ethnic group and sadly people of roma heritage often face huge discrimination and prejudice even in the UK but particularly in eastern Europe. if a person/ couple adopt a child of different ethnicity it is always important to explore these questions. and no, it shouldn't matter, but it does. I faced similar questions adopting my Chinese son even though I was in a mixed white/Chinese marriage and living in his country of origin.
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto September 25, 2016 11:05
Well in Bulgaria you can not ask for a Roma child, the likelyhood is large but there are Bulgarian children, Roma children and children of Turkish heritage. (also dark complexion) , among others.
Edited 17/02/2021
IslandMama September 25, 2016 11:16
A child being of Roma heritage would not matter to me and in my eyes if adopting from Bulgaria the child would be both Bulgarian and Roma and we would want to celebrate both aspects of their origins. However, from the documentaries I have been watching most adult Roma in Eastern European countries do not identify with being Bulgarian or Romanian, etc and simply feel Roma. When adopting from overseas you very much want to love and embrace the country your child is coming from but when adopting a Roma child there is the added dynamic of needing to embrace their ethnic heritage and aspects of Roma culture too. Not something that is always easy to do in a country where many treat the Roma with such contempt. This is why I particularly want to connect and hear from people who have adopted Roma children rather than specifically Bulgarian children, I would like to hear what social challenges they have faced and how they celebrate their child's Roma heritage.
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto September 25, 2016 12:01
In Bulgaria you can not ask for a Roma child. Those kids are Bulgarian, Roma or Turkish (also dark complection). Ofcouse the chance thechild will be Roma is large but no way of being sure before the adoption.
Edited 17/02/2021
IslandMama September 25, 2016 19:19
They do of course have other ethnic groups on their adoption register however "true" fair skinned Bulgarian children are more likely to be adopted in country as most Bulgarian families are not willing to adopt a Roma child due to the discrimination and stigma they face. The information we have been given by agencies and the central authority in Bulgaria is that you are more likely to receive a Roma child so should be prepared for this and that you can not specify NOT to have a Roma child.
Edited 17/02/2021
safia September 25, 2016 19:50
Would you know the heritage when you adopt if they put it that way? If not you would just have to focus on the Bulgarian origins and the positive aspects of all the communities that make up Bulgaria. If you then learn of the specific ethnic origin of a particular child and their family circumstances you would then include this. The other thread mentioned various books which might be a starting point for learning something about Roma history and culture.
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto September 25, 2016 20:02
Something went wrong earlier with posting that's the reason for duplication. If you want sent me a pm Guernsey mum.
Edited 17/02/2021
IslandMama September 25, 2016 20:22
Yes Safia, the other thread has proved very useful and there looks to be some good books on there which will be a good starting point to learn about Roma culture. :) From my research online it seems that most prospective adopters are being matched with children of Roma descent (some with Turkish heritage too) and the parents were aware of this when matched. We'd definitely include lots of Bulgarian culture into our family too and just want to be prepared as much as possible in case we are matched with a Roma child, especially as we're looking to take a child with special needs, we'll have enough to sort out re: health needs without having to start swatting up on Roma culture then.
Edited 17/02/2021
chestnuttree September 26, 2016 12:20
We have adopted Roma children. You can pm me if you like.
Edited 17/02/2021


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