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Saints and scroungers - TV programme

Starlight March 13, 2013 21:27
So I watched one of these on BBC I player the other day. It basically tells the story of some people ''scrounging'' benefits, and usually a nice one about how a person with a genuine disability has been helped. So one story followed a man who had multiple false identities and was claiming a range of benefits for all his ''identities'', it followed him as he was investigated and got caught etc.. But then it told the story of a woman who had a condition which meant walking was very difficult for her and so was claiming DLA. She apparently started taking a large (almost dangerous) level of drugs which helped her to walk more. So after a tip off they followed her and because they caught her walking for longer than she said she could - albeit on a hugely high dose of drugs - they did her for fraud! Basically because she had not told them about this small change she had committed a crime. They basically said that ANY change, no matter how tiny should be reported. Its made me worried now and feel like I should be phoning them every day with an update... "he slept from midnight til 5am last night but I said on the form he only sleeps til 4am"
Edited 17/02/2021
Dusty March 13, 2013 21:42
Sad isn't it. Our BS has deteriorated since claiming yet he is already on the highest rate. Maybe I should be seeing if I could get a legal case to claim more due to european human rights eh! What makes me cross is when a child is in hospital costing the family far more in living costs due to having to eat away from home, travel costs etc and after a certain number of weeks the DLA gets stopped. So you are not only stressed due to having a sick child, but you need to stay with them sleeping on some uncomfortable camp bed, live of hospital food or vending machines or starve and dehydrate due to no drinks or kitchen available to get even the basics of water, do the work of the nurses as they are too short staffed to do the work and then get your money docked. If you dare sneak off you leave your child in a ward with staff shortages you fear the knowledge that you may come back to a very distressed child. Having no money just makes the whole thing more stressful. There rant over. On the plus side I did once lose a stone in weight due to being unable to sneak off and get food to eat. Yet hospital food was thrown away when the ward was quiet and I was not allowed to eat it due to hospital policy. I would have paid as well! Yep let the carer go home with a sick child, feeling rubbish, tired, stressed, malnourished with no money. And another rant just finished!!Oops sorry!!
Edited 17/02/2021
loops March 22, 2013 13:00
Yes, I have worried about this because things are changing all the time with kids esp. Did phone and question it one time but seems can't just tell them of any tiny change as they suggest but have to fill out the whole form...who's going to do that?!So long as day to day life is still not significantly better/easier/so long as I still sob if I let myself stop and really think about how flippin awful and unfair it all is...I reckon we are stilll entitled. And am procrastinating on the boards because I have another stupid form to fill in and I hate them!
Edited 17/02/2021


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