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good news

shadow January 18, 2020 17:20

My 22 year old has passed her Adult Return to Learning course with flying colours - she now starts a s Science in Action course - maths chemistry physics and biology to head towards and foundation in health care in September - I am so so proud

Edited 17/02/2021
January 18, 2020 17:45

wow! Thats amazing, congratulations Shadette. So lovely to hear how she's doing.

Edited 17/02/2021
January 18, 2020 17:59

Wow! What an amazing achievement for you both - she couldn’t have done it without you. I know the background to your story (long-time poster here) and your resilience has been incredible. Gives me hope for the future for my own little family as we weather extreme turbulence.

Well done, Shadette, and Shadow!

Edited 17/02/2021
Kazzie January 18, 2020 22:31

Congratulations Shadette. Your success gives me hope that despite her difficulties over the past few years my DD will achieve her own goals.

Edited 17/02/2021
January 19, 2020 08:51

Total triumph shadette and glorious shadow.

The cost of being shadette’s mum has been so very high. But you must feel it was all worth it today

congratulations all round

so pleased for you both

Edited 17/02/2021
January 19, 2020 09:44

Congratulations. It is good to hear a positive outcome. I remember reading your posts before our DS was placed. Well done to Shadette and to you Shadow for all your hard work.

Edited 17/02/2021
bluelizard January 20, 2020 16:23

So pleased for the both of you. I've followed your posts in the past and know how hard won this has been.

Edited 17/02/2021


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