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Matching question - "showing interest again in the future"

Apple Tree December 18, 2019 16:47

We are approved and are currently trying to find the right child :-) We have enquired about a few children in Linkmaker and two Social Workers have got back to us to say that they aren't going to take the discussion further. One stated that the reason is our ages and the other one said that they have found a better match (fair enough) , but then at the end of the message it says: "X's practitioner has indicated that you can show interest again in future if you wish".

What does that mean? Do they mean if the child is "re-listed" then we can ask again? But our ages won't have changed....When in the future can we show interest again?

Edited 17/02/2021
chestnuttree December 19, 2019 21:36

Maybe they meant you can show interest in other children they have? It is unclear to me too.

Edited 17/02/2021
Bougainville January 11, 2020 17:57

Apple tree, can I ask how old are you? We are concerned our age might also be a limit

Edited 17/02/2021
Safia January 11, 2020 18:06

I guess they mean you can show interest in other children - though sometimes children maybe featured again if a match falls through. It may be the better match is nothing to do with age anyway and there may be other aspects of what you can offer they really like so if it falls through - or with other children -you’d be considered. We were in our early 40s and one agency wasn’t interested in taking anyone over 35 - but the others we tried were - it varies so much and depends on the type of children they have. Don’t be put off - everything will vary according to the child’s needs and the other people showing interest

Edited 17/02/2021
moo January 11, 2020 18:51

I don't think you ever get the 'real' reason or truth why you are not 'right' in my experience...

Age sounds totally lame to me... I was 50 when my two were first placed.... they were 38 & 23 months at the time... their sw thought us a perfect match as she was blown away by my energy & life experiences that fit with my sons perceived needs.... She also saw no issue with me being single....

Stick to your guns... keep on keeping on you turn will come I promise x

Xx moo xx

Edited 17/02/2021
Bluemetro January 19, 2020 09:56

My guess is that you could have been suitable, but they had to make a choice. We were given reasons like, the family they are moving to closer matches the situation where they were in foster care. I think sometimes Social Workers have to make a decision and it is hard to choose which is a most suitable family. I can say however that they made the right choice in the end and it was worth the wait. There have been many challenges but we know our DS was the right one for us.

Edited 17/02/2021


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