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Can the forums recover?

Agape July 3, 2019 16:47

I can’t do it either! I mean chat or PM. I miss our old forum and can’t explain why I do believe we’ll get it back (or naively want to believe). I suppose its the result of being an adoptive parent: we hope.

I’ll try the “chat” thing.

I’m sorry ? this is so deserted too.

Edited 17/02/2021
moo July 3, 2019 16:49

Are you online?

Edited 17/02/2021
July 3, 2019 16:52

Hi Both

The update on the technical developments included a piece on chat:

"Allow forum users to message one another – Currently being implemented All Adoption UK community users will have the ability to chat with other users, regardless of their verification status. However, users will still be required to have an Adoption UK membership in order to initiate chats. "


Edited 17/02/2021
moo July 3, 2019 16:53

So dishy why has my ability to 'chat' suddenly stopped?

Edited 17/02/2021
moo July 3, 2019 16:54

& when is it going live?

Edited 17/02/2021
July 3, 2019 16:59

I cringe when I hear Dishy.... oh how naive I was! ?

Anyway... the first question, I hold my hands up - I do not know!

The second, I will away and find out.


Edited 17/02/2021
moo July 3, 2019 17:00


Scott ?

Edited 17/02/2021
July 3, 2019 17:03

Ha!! You don't have to stop, if anything it reminds me of another time in my life I really enjoyed!

Edited 17/02/2021
moo July 3, 2019 17:07

Scott I really miss those wonderful supported old auk forum days... this system is just so alien & empty x

Edited 17/02/2021
July 3, 2019 17:23

I just hope that I can work with you all to try and find a way to make it even halfway like it used to be! I am working through a plan of action to ensure we get all the voices into this, what has happened - has happened, there will be some elements we won't be able to change, but I am desperate to create a safe and secure space for families to be able to share their experiences again! ?


Edited 17/02/2021
moo July 3, 2019 17:29

Thanx...dishy ?

I am keen to know tho why my chat ability has suddenly stopped...

I will look out for news from you if you can find out why for me..

Xx moo xx

Edited 17/02/2021
July 3, 2019 17:30

That sounds like blackmail!! haha.

I will do my best to find out for you.

Dishy/Scott ;-)

Edited 17/02/2021
moo July 3, 2019 17:40

? ? ?

Edited 17/02/2021
Agape July 3, 2019 17:55

I’m happy to see ??? rather than ? in your last post Moo. I’m having a ? day at work after my computer collapsed on me. Lost my work and it’s almost 5pm. Kids at home waiting for me. Manager sitting next to me...

I trust you’ll manage Scott to get us where you say!

Edited 17/02/2021
Agape July 3, 2019 17:56

By the way I’m not blaming having been posting for what happened to my computer.

Edited 17/02/2021
July 4, 2019 13:40

Just to update, as I have checked out the timescales, and chat will be resolved by early next week.

Moo - I will contact you privately to look into your issue as I will need some information form you.


Edited 17/02/2021
shadow July 4, 2019 14:35

Having felt the AUK forums saved me and shadette as a family - I really hope things get going and busier for those who follow us - I would never have managed without the wisdom of others on here

Edited 17/02/2021
July 4, 2019 14:47

I completely agree Shadow - I wouldn't have either.

And may I just say, it's lovely to see you pop up! I do miss those chats from years ago... you and Shadette were like a main stay for me (too many years ago!)


Edited 17/02/2021
shadow July 4, 2019 15:08

I am retiring from work soon and will be working 1 day a week - so hope to have time to come back here more

Edited 17/02/2021
July 6, 2019 14:49

Scott , can you clarify the chat thing

All users can chat, but to start a chat you have to be an AUK member. So as a forum user I can't send a message to anyone, but I can reply to a message that an AUK member sends to me.

Edited 17/02/2021


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