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rhuematoid arthritis

lorna78 September 10, 2009 11:23
Hi this is my first post. Am a little concerned about the grilling I may get at our eventual pannel because of my RA condition. I am on medication and to look at me you would never guess anything was wrong. I am stiff and sore to some degree most mornings but I get up and on with things go to work etc..(part time)I do have what I call flare ups of joints but I deal with it and will deal with it once we have adopted much like if I had concieved natraly I would have had to cope.Our SW said we would likely be waiting longer than other people to be matched to a child because of my RA on paper is this true? has any one else out there got what I have and how has or is it going for you ?
Edited 17/02/2021
Sokolata September 15, 2009 21:01
Hi - I have Rheumatoid Arthritis with the added complication of a visual impairment. Me and my husband were approved at panel last May and had a few questions about my disability and how I would cope, but on the whole this was covered in our Form F. Saying that we're still waiting to be matched. We have had several SW's considering us, but so far haven't got passed the final post! We've got a very good SW who is open and honest and also promotes us well and she also said that on paper we don't compare as favourably as other couples so our best hope is to be matched through the authority we've been approved with as they know us. I'm sure you'll be fine at panel. Just think about any possible problems your RA could cause in respect of looking after a child and make sure you have an answer and you'll be fine. Good luck
Edited 17/02/2021
Lonsdale September 16, 2009 00:46
think it depends on your medical, my ra was mild when we were approved & I never had time off are competing against lots of other approved couples/singles who will all have a variety of positive & negative points on their forms, it's really about a child's sw thinking you match their criteria & who knows how long that can takeall the bestl
Edited 17/02/2021
tiglet September 30, 2009 22:40
I have osteo arthritis in both hips and knees(operation on one knee) and associated back pain and am registered disabled.I had major hip surgery 24 years ago and several ops since.In the summer of 2006 I had to have a hip replacement,this was two weeks before the beginning of our prep course.I went to the prep course with my special high backed chair in the boot of the car and couldnt bend over and still in a lot of pain from surgery.I was and am on prescription painkillers and my health problems are on going.This did not stop us getting through the adoption process and adopting in February a 2 and 3 year old in 2008.Our children have been with us 19 months and we legally adopted them a year ago.I am now waiting to see a back specialist due to the increase in back pain and my knees are deteriorating.None of ths stops me looking after and playing with two very active small children.You just have to get on with it.So having RA should not stop you getting through the process and adopting.Just be honest and open with your sw.Good LuckTiglet xxxxxx
Edited 17/02/2021
Suki cat December 16, 2009 20:24
HiI have Ankylosing Spondititus and Osteo. I was diagnosed 8 yrs ago and was in hospital when i was 14 for other disc problems which are still there. I got turned down by every agency i tried, maybe because i was single but also due to my health. Eventually another local LA took me on, providing i passed my medical which i did. My doctor has known me for many years and she backed my application for an older child but she said she would have been worried if i wanted a younger child. People who know me think theres nothing wrong as i look normal.SW did say to me a few times you would wait longer but as it happens my LA told me about my daughter one week after i was approved when she was 7 but it took a year before i got her, complications...... so maybe a LA is better for you as they would have approved and may have a child for you sooner rather than be open to all other agencys if approved by a VA.My daughter has been placed with me for 4 months now and although she is no problem at all and an easy child to care for, i have more stiffness, more tired and more achy and i know i couldnt have had a younger child but i am very happy....When i went to matching panel (my daughter is from my LA who approved me) the new doctor on panel questioned my health and wanted more info form my specialist doctors i see, it was a bit worrying but panel on the day were happy with it.All i would say is be truthfull and its all about how you manage your condition etc and how it could affect a child..... But if its truly what you want like me, then stick with it and plod on to every LA and VA.Good luckBest wishesSuki cat x
Edited 17/02/2021


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