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Meeting re. transition to secondary school

hollyhock July 1, 2013 18:21
My daughter who is in year 6 and I have a short meeting tomorrow with someone at the secondary school where she''s been given a place for September( a standard meeting offered to all children going to the school) and I was wondering how best to approach it. I''m going to talk with my daughter later about what she would like to say about her needs. I think we need to mention that she is adopted because it explains the kind of ways she might react to teachers and her peer group, but I don''t want to embarrass her by making her look very needy - though in many ways I think she does need quite a bit of understanding and emotional support.She has kept up pretty well academically, and doesn''t have a statement. But I would certainly consider her as vulnerable.When I spoke with someone at the school earlier in the year, the idea of giving her a statement temporarily was mentioned, so that she could access more support. I''m not sure how our AD would feel about this.I''d really welcome any of your thoughts.
Edited 17/02/2021
Toast July 1, 2013 19:03
How about sitting together tonight and doing a page of A4 like a personal passport? So 3 or so sections- about me with a photo- and about 5 facts that are likes- including one saying adopted? And then a section on tips to help me learn and then a general one with likes and dislikes- its just a nice way in and something school can keep - can help focus a short meeting x
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM July 1, 2013 23:14
Maybe ask about any curriculum areas covering families or indirectly any books studied which have orphans as their main charactersI think there used to be a post on Curriculum hotspots, but with all the changes on here not sure if it's accessible, though I/others may have it on our computers somewhere!I think Family Futures produced an A5 size leaflet 3/4 pages about education and adoptees and there is an AUK DVD which was also on Youtube, but I can't remember exactly where.hope that helps and just post/pm if you want to look at these things but can't find them, as I do have them somewhere!
Edited 17/02/2021
MumC July 2, 2013 07:37
Hello,We have found with our two adopted chidlren's transition into secondary school that it has been invaluable to meet with the Nurture or SENCO workers before the summer holiday to discuss our children's needs. The enables the schools to know about them and help them before the year starts. Things that help are introducing our children to their teachers before the summer holiday to reduce anxiety. There's so much you can do to help with this difficult transition. is an excellent organisation as is Louise Bomber, should you get the chance to hear her speak it's well worth the expense. She's written too: 'Inside I'm hurting'.Good luck,MumC
Edited 17/02/2021
guinea pig July 2, 2013 15:24
Hello HollyhockI wondered if this website on educational transitions might be helpful. Although aimed at children with specific learning difficulties, I think its of wider use as well: wishesguinea pig
Edited 17/02/2021
Kazzie July 2, 2013 21:28
Hello sorry coming to this a bit late as I'm guessing that you've had your meeting but my DD is also in Yr 6 and moving to secondary in September too. We were lucky in that she's had some transition sessions at her new school over the past month which have really benefitted her and boosted her confidence. She does have a statement though but what I also did was write a resume giving brief details of her background and the areas where she has difficulties and when I had a meeting with a senior member of staff at the new school I used it to give them more information about her. I also gave them a copy which will be used to give relevant information to other staff members. We did tick the box though on the original application forms to say that she's adopted.
Edited 17/02/2021


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