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How much do AUK pass on information to social services?

Pink-angel October 6, 2009 08:43
Sorry to have to ask! but I am extremely concerned after reading a post on the other thread where it is thought AUK passed on details after someone posted a random thread, not even a risk situation. If AUK have put any of my information to my social services I want all of my posts DELETED. If someone recognizes me then fair enough! Not bothered,I have nothing to hide. I try and retain some anonymity by changing my name ( still trying to change this one btw, have emailed webmaster and pm mods but still no luck) but absolutely certain I don''t want to post where someone passess my info on to social services. Please could I have it confirmed that none of my posts have been passed to social services. This comes up time and time again.
Edited 17/02/2021
Towanda October 6, 2009 10:22
As I understand it AUK will only pass on details to SS if there is a concern that a child or parent is at risk. AUK have said that they will not contact SS in these circumstances without contacting the person involved. There was a very long and heated thread about this some time ago.Generally speaking I believe that AUK will respect our privacy and confidentiality, but they will take steps when they belive it necessary. It is clear that anything discussed on a private board is potentially going to involve the more difficult problems we face, and I think that may mean it could be more likely that AUK will want to be pro-active in those cases, which concerns me.Please be assured that AUK would never routinely contact SS about posts and would only do so if they had grave concerns.Apologies if my other post alarmed you uneccesarily.
Edited 17/02/2021
Pink-angel October 6, 2009 11:33
Thanks Towanda, After reading your reply on the other thread I am pleased to see that you have confirmed that it was a coincidence rather than AUK informing the other authority. I do understand why AUK would need to, and do, report to social services if there is a risk to a child or parent but was so shocked to think that they had and would over other matters.
Edited 17/02/2021


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