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Agency Experience and Ofsted

tillymint April 1, 2015 22:40
We went with a brilliant VA and I am so happy that we did. All through the linking, matching and throughout the early months of placement we were grateful to have their amazing support. If we'd been approved with an LA which was also placing the child I just couldn't have been confident that they were always acting in our interests as I felt the VA did. When we did start dealing with LAs we did come across some poor and unprofessional practice. The VA is part of a consortium which is now delivering great post adoption support services which we have accessed. One thing I think AdoptionUK might be able to help on is around Ofsted. We have been asked to complete 2 surveys now for Ofsted but only for the VA which approved us. We have never been asked to do the same for the LA which placed our LO with us. I think Ofsted is missing out on a lot rich information here which could help when making its judgements on LAs.
Edited 17/02/2021
createamum April 2, 2015 09:18
We were asked by our AD's placing LA (we went with a VA so AD is an out of county child), to speak to OFSTED earlier this year as they were being reviewed. We felt that it was good that they were asking VA adopters as well as in house adopters.
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda April 2, 2015 10:11
You will have been given the Ofsted surveys because the VA will have supplied your details. Ofsted can't contact you directly, how would they know you are an adopter? Inspections also go in cycles so it may be that the LA just hasn't been inspected fir a few years
Edited 17/02/2021
wordsearch April 2, 2015 13:38
But surely the LAs and VAs people have applied to, perhaps started the process with, will keep the records of this? We were told that our records would be kept on file for a certain amount of time, regardless of whether we actually finished the process with the agency. Ofsted should have access to this information during inspections and should follow up on some of it, to ask WHY someone withdrew, went elsewhere etc. This information is more telling then all the (sometimes) fake questionnaires they read from present adopters with the agency/LA. After all, we are all over a barrel and daren't say anything against whoever we are with for fear of 'retribution'! We have suffered awful bad practice with our VA, including breach of confidentiality numerous times, bullying, threats but are not in a position to do anything about it due to fear of them pulling the plug on us. We know of others who have had problems but filled in a questionnaire for an inspection supporting the agency and even spoke to the inspectors to tell them how wonderful the agency is, because they felt they had no choice but to do so.
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda April 2, 2015 15:47
No, I don't want Ofsted or any other govt agency having access to my personal information. But if you feel that strongly about it there is nothing to stop you writing to Ofsted at any time
Edited 17/02/2021


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