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what everyone should read

shadow November 3, 2013 20:19
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM December 2, 2013 22:54
the final paragraphs really hit home about how much was not known when we began x number of years ago ' So I've copied and pasted them below as a sneak peek that could be useful for others in their quest to get help. . In summary, neuroscience has finally backed up the instinct, that people caring for children traumatised by abuse and/or neglect have known for decades, that such children are stuck in their development in many ways as babies or toddlers. What is wonderful about this is that it provides us with the beginnings of the scientific ideas about how to help. In order to develop beyond these infantile stages children literally have to be helped to develop new neural pathways. The child’s experience of a loving relationship with their carer, as they use appropriate parenting techniques, is the perfect combination with which foster carers and adoptive parents can help their traumatised child. Have a look at the top five tips to give you some more practical ideas and do write and tell us about the strategies that you have worked out to promote help your child’s development.
Edited 17/02/2021


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