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Rocket May 2, 2019 22:16

I seem to recall there being great outrage the last time the AUK forums were updated because we were left without the ability to add emoticons in our posts until people started discovering (sometimes by accident!) that various combinations of symbols resulted in emoticons appearing once the posts were published. So my questions is... how do we do emoticons now, and what is available??!

There is no obvious button for them, so I'll try some key combinations and see what happens...



Edited 17/02/2021
Rocket May 2, 2019 22:18

Hmm. I was thinking it wasn't looking promising, but now that I have done the original post, a little emoticon button has appeared!!


Hooray!! Not quite sure why it's not available when you are creating a new thread, but at least we can respond with a good range of emotions now ?

Edited 17/02/2021
Daffodil May 2, 2019 22:21

When you post a reply you have a smiley face button which lets you do ??. I think it’s missing when you do an initial post at the moment but should reappear soon.

Edited 17/02/2021


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