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Frustrated by lack of understanding

freddie2 November 4, 2011 19:43
Have given school a lot of info re developmental trauma including the Louise Bomber book...but i really don;t think they have read it, or that they believe what i have said.My ad is finding separation from me increasingly hard in the mornings. She clings to me for dear life and has to be physically pulled off me which i hate. Apparently she settles quickly once i have gone thank goodness (but is acting out a lot)Today her teacher said to me, you know all this clinging and crying is "all manipulation and control" - she has seen it all before apparentlyShe has no idea - quite depressing really - she really doesn''t want to learn - all i ever hear from the school is the need for firm boundaries...same old script....My search for an emotionally intelligent school continues..x
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella November 4, 2011 22:29
Oh dear ... what a silly thing to say, particularly given that you have already provided lots of information.It is so, so important to find the right school - I have two children who currently manage mainstream education with varying degrees of success. Bigly is doing fine and always has done ... littly doesn't have any behavioural or emotional difficulties but she has speech and language issues which means that she struggles.Middly ... well, he just couldn't cope with mainstream at all despite and despite all the literature that we gave school, despite our sw going in an talking to them, they simply couldn't be bothered. As far as they were concerned he was simply naughty.Don't move your child as a knee jerk. Take your time to find the right school - it really does make all the difference. Good luck x
Edited 17/02/2021
freddie2 November 4, 2011 23:09
thanks Donatella. I always read your posts and am so pleased you have now found the right school for Middly - sounds like it has made an enormous difference to all your lives.I recently visited a lovely specialist school for children with a range of mild difficulties - tiny classes and so nurturing and supportive. I am just not quite sure yet whether she needs this level of support, so think we will give mainstream one more shot (she is only 4). It is comforting though to know there is this school should the next mainstream school not suit her.Good advice about knee jerk reaction - feel a bit desperate tonight as we had another incident at school today and i was called to collect our ad. But you're absolutely right i need to do my research properly. Am seeing an ed pysch in a few weeks too so am hoping that may help in the choice too thanks again xx
Edited 17/02/2021


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