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sensory processing disorder

Lankelly September 17, 2013 00:59
hello, I am looking for info to give to school re, spd. Our son had this suggested by clinical psych at Camhs and we are waiting to see paediatrician at child dev centre. As he has started new junior school we are looking to give them pointers, not at education per se but how we are affected at home too as obviously it impacts all round. I am also wanting to find a form of therapy for him/us in the east midlands if anyone has any links? much appreciated,
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing September 17, 2013 11:31
The Out of Synch Child (book) by Carol Kranowitz; has chapter on 'your chikd at school' and also a chapter on 'your child at home'. Its. very comprehensive and explains a lot of the neurology / science behind SPD. I also like TheSensory Smart Child. It's aimed more at home life but it has more practical suggestions regarding things like eating, sleeping
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing September 17, 2013 11:32
Edited 17/02/2021
Flosskirk September 17, 2013 14:15
Def go for the out of synch child book - there are loads of resources on sensory issues, and a lot depends on what your child's issues are. You can end up going things that are not part of your child's profile, so maybe wait to see what they say. For me, a lot of it comes down to just having the understanding that some things are incredibly tough for our kids - in my elder daughter's case it's loud noise for example. The problem with the out of synch child book is that it focuses almost entirely on touch and movement and doesn't look at things like noise. But hopefully you can fill in the gaps by googling.
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing September 17, 2013 15:20
Yes, it's a good book. But do look at the Sensory Smart Child book...I only say that because Lankelly you say you want help re educational environment.. theres stuff in the Sensory Smart Child about advocating at school, helping your child learn...stuff about hnadwriting problems, differences in learning styles, avoiding sensory overload in school, coping with school lunchtimes, fire drills, where to sit in the classroom. It's an American book though, just to be aware. I have found it more of a practical book because it looks at handling specific triggers and environments, eg doctors appointments, swimming pools, car rides, teeth cleaning. it does cover noise sensitivity, as well as fear of specific noises, noise and smell reduction. Though Kipper is smell-craving so still puzzling over how to handle that one! I think OT help is important. We haven't got any at the moment...I was told to make up a sensory diet for Kipper myself, but as you say Flosskirk, you can end up tackling something that isn't relevant, and from reading the books I can see that you could interpret something as over-sensitivity when in fact it's sensory-seeking etc.
Edited 17/02/2021


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