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do I need british citizenship to adopt?

AlexM July 24, 2009 19:28

Hello everybody.Me and my husband are from Poland. We''ve lived in England for almost 5 years now. We own a house here and our bc was born here. We would like to adopt a baby but we''re not sure if we can do this without having british you know anything about it?

Edited 17/02/2021
jiminlondon July 24, 2009 21:07

No you do not have to be british to adopt, but they might want to match you with a child what has a polish heritage.

Edited 17/02/2021
venezia July 25, 2009 10:28

You don't need it.They will try and match you with Polish/half Polish, else with children that have other similarities with you. If they want to match you with some child, they will find a common ground...You must emphasize how flexible you are on heritage, and how willing you are to embrace customs/traditions and other foreign ways of life etcxx

Edited 17/02/2021
Midge July 25, 2009 10:37

As has been said you need residency but not citizenship. You may need to check with the Polish authorities if there are any specific criteria they need meeting (ss will probably ask). Also you will almost certainly need background checks from Poland (police, medical etc) translated into English.Agree also that the authorities would be looking to match a child with Polish heritage, which may well be in your favour, esp for a baby. In my LA, with a very small Polish community, there are been at least two abandoned/relinquished new-born babies of Polish mums in the last couple of years that I know of. If you live in an area with a significant Polish community you may find you are made very welcome by local adotpion agencies.Good luck,Midge

Edited 17/02/2021
Bananas July 29, 2009 14:19

Hi,We are approved adopters and I'm not a british citizen. Our sw said she checked it was ok with their legal dept during home visits. I do have residency and that is scanned for their records. Pretty much never mentioned again hope this helps...

Edited 17/02/2021
lamplady July 29, 2009 22:08

Our local LA has had 16 Polish/half polish babies through in the last year -and we are a very small authority. I think you will be welcomed with open arms

Edited 17/02/2021


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