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Talking about adoption to bc

Pear Tree April 11, 2013 13:06
Our bc came after the ac, and we regularly talk about things including her brother and sister grew in another mums tummy but belong here, we all arrived in the orchard family in different ways etc....Anyone know of a book to help an inquisitive 5 yr old
Edited 17/02/2021
REM April 11, 2013 13:50
Have you got the Todd Parr books The Family Book and We Belong Together? They both talk about how some people are adopted, but not everyone, so it's ok to join a family in different ways.Maybe a bit young, though our six year old still likes them.Will be watching this thread with interest! Perhaps some books people have used to prepare older bc's for an adopted sibling would work just as well to explain older adopted siblings to a younger birth child.
Edited 17/02/2021
amh April 11, 2013 16:21
One book I used for all of mine was called 'tell me about the night I was born' by Jamie Lee Curtis. As I read the story could adapt it for bs and adopted children but they were all so close in age we would all read it together.
Edited 17/02/2021


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