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Arguing over responsibilty

Pear Tree September 5, 2013 23:59
Social care and mental health seem to argue a lot over how responsible each department is for delivering care/ support. I wonder if other families are facing similar arguments? What have you done to keep your head clear of the political tug of war? I feel in a whirl now, not knowing who to believe as both sides have lied in the past and I therefore find it impossible to trust either perspective as they have such strong agendas. I know for us that unless you understand mental health things you can't understand our children's/YPs behaviours but the mh elements are not important as they are unfixable apparently.....
Edited 17/02/2021
phoebe67 September 6, 2013 01:15
I am having exactly the same issues PT. On top of which, DS is out of county, with an agency FC due to the emergency nature of his placement (though tbh the emergency has been coming to a head for about 18 months)! It's so frustrating! You have to rant to get anything done, then you're seen to be unreasonable! SC and CAMHS take over 6 months to have a meeting, make a plan, etc then about a year to implement it. YP has then moved goal posts so plan is no longer relevant, so back to 6 months for a meeting . . . and so it goes on! I hope you are holding up in spite of the frustrations you face. Phoebe x
Edited 17/02/2021


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